Chapter 1

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Hi, everyone! I don't own anything except my OC, whom you will be meeting shortly. This story takes place a few months after the events of the first Night at the Museum movie. If any dialogue of the story is in bold, it means that the characters are speaking a language other than English. Happy reading!

Two days ago, at the New York Museum of Natural History, the director, Dr

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Two days ago, at the New York Museum of Natural History, the director, Dr. McPhee, announced the imminent arrival of a new mummy. Larry and Akhmenrah quickly made their way down storage area where the new mummy currently resided once the young king had been released from his sarcophagus. Near the back loading dock, they found a great stone sarcophagus still strapped to a pallet from transport. They hurriedly undid the straps and shoved the lid off. Within, the found a gilt coffin, a woman's, with straps around it to keep the lid in place during the move. The mummy within was crying out and banging on the lid, though nowhere near as forcefully as Akhmenrah had when Larry first saw him.

"Be still, and we will free you, my lady." Ahkmenrah shouted in Egyptian over the mummy's moans. The coffin stilled, and Larry and the young pharaoh quickly untied the straps and lifted off the lid, setting it to the side. The mummy inside immediately sat up and started yanking linen strips off her face. Ahkmenrah helped her as she began coughing up sand. Suddenly, Akhmenrah froze.

"Bek?" he gasped.

The mummy, her head now free of bandages, instantly turned her face to him. "Ahk?" Ahkmenrah instantly engulfed the young woman in an almost possessive hug.

"Ank?" Larry was completely confused. "You know her?"

"Yes, Larry," the young pharaoh grinned brightly at him. "she is my sister, Bektamunet." The young woman shyly bowed her head to Larry. "This is Larry, the Guardian of Brooklyn," Akhmenrah added to her.

"Where are we, Akh? This does not look like the Cambridge artifact storage," she asked.

"Wait, you were at Cambridge?" Larry interjected.


"But I was at Cambridge as well!" Akh replied. "but they never let me leave my exhibit."

"Your tablet...." She murmured softly. "Your tablet brought me back to life while you were there...But I was locked in a storage room. I was never on display. They kept me down there, only letting me out of my sarcophagus when they wanted to question me or have me translate something."

"They did the same to me." Akh replied.

"They sometimes said that they wanted me to 'double check' an already completed translation...It was your work they were double checking."

"They sometimes had me retranslate something too," Akh nodded.

"Why? And why did they keep us apart?" Bektamunet asked. "Surely we could have worked better together...and we are family. They had no right to separate us!"

"I know, sister," Ahk soothed, hugging her to his chest once more. "Perhaps they did not trust us."

"Our little Ahkmen, so grown up," she sighed, pulling away just enough to look up at her brother. "When I died, the top of your head was level with my shoulder; now, look at you! My head is only level with your's!" Bek said, cupping his face with her hands. "Such a handsome young man you have grown to be. How the girls at the palace must have swooned over you!"

Ahk blushed."Bek!" he moaned.

"What? You and Kah were ever teasing me about my suitors," Bektamunet pulled away and put her hands on her hips. "Although, Kah was much more spiteful about it. You were relatively innocent, for the most part." Larry could not help but smile. Yep, they were definitely siblings.

Ahk grinned guilty. "We will let you unwrap and dress, then introduce you to everyone."

Larry and Ahk waited out in the hallway while she changed. In a much shorter time than Larry expected, she came out wearing a long, flowing white gown, a jeweled collar similar to her brother's, and wide jeweled cuffs at her wrists. A traditional circlet with reared cobra head in the center graced her head, and few bead strands intermingled with her long, black hair. Her make-up was actually simple for Egyptians; a pale gold color covered her eyelids and thin lines of kohl surrounded her eyes in iconic fashion. She immediately moved to her brother's side, linking arms with him. Ank smiled and covered the small hand in the crook of his elbow with his own.

"Come and meet my friends; they are quite excited to meet you," he said eagerly, striding forward.

Larry and the two Egyptians climbed the stairs to the main museum level and began wandering the halls so that Bektamunet could take everything in.

"Lawrence! Pharaoh! Found the new addition I see!" a loud voice greeted them. Teddy Roosevelt strode towards them, leading his horse, Texas. "Who is this lovely lady, Ahkmenrah?" Teddy asked as he met them.

"President Roosevelt, may I present my half-sister, Bekamunet." Ahk grinned proudly.

"A pleasure, Princess," Teddy gave her a small bow, which she returned. "Theodore Roosevelt, at your service, your Highness."

"I am honored, my Lord Roosevelt."

"Please, just Teddy," he smiled. "Lawrence, I just want to let you know that Sacajawea and I will be taking a ride tonight. Just call us on the PA system if you need us."

"Thanks for the heads up, Teddy," Larry smiled and clapped the president on the shoulder as they moved on. Ahk, Bektamunet continued towards the lobby where Larry knew a soccer match was being set up.

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