Special, chapter 1

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My name is Gwynn Wickam. I can become invisible.

I really don't know why I have these powers. Why me? Why this? Why now? It's very unusual. I guess you could say I've always been invisible; with my dirty blonde hair, thick glasses, my short height, small frame. I've kind of blended in for a while. I never thought I could actually turn myself invisible, until recently.

It all started at school. In science, actually. A weird place to discover that you have powers. But there it was. We were doing work from our textbook. Average day, right? The bell was going to ring soon. So, Mrs.Blatch, my teacher, dismissed us all early. So, we all got up and left.

Now, I think it might be a good time to mention that I am a complete klutz. I was walking down the hallway, when I tripped. I don't know what I tripped on, but I fell. Hard. Face first, down a flight of stairs. I landed hard, too. In the middle of a crowd, and everyone talking, but as soon as I fell, everything became silent as a tomb. Just my luck. And everyone crowded around me to see if I was ok. Of course. EVERYONE. And with my luck, I was hurt.

Voice upon voice, asking one question, each voice overlapping the next, like a flock of cawing birds. "Are you okay, Gwynn?" "Are you alright?" "Are you hurt?" The 30 kids of my class seemed like many more. It seemed like millions of people. All around me, and they all saw me fall, and now they all suddenly care about me.

I was so embarrassed. I wanted the tile floor to open up and swallow me whole. I wanted the world to go away. I had fell, and i was hurt, and now everyone was there, watching and asking and caring and looking. And I wanted to disappear.

So I did.

It was weird. At first, it was just a little. Like I was a fading shadow. But then I became more transparent. And then, I became completely invisible. The whole class gasped. Have you ever been in a room, when everyone gasps at the same time? Especially when it's at you. It feels like you're being suffocated. And all the oxygen leaves at once. It's stifling.

It took me a while to figure it out, but there I was. Invisible. I stood up. At this point, I was sobbing. So I did what my brain told me to do. I ran. Down the steps, through the rest of the hallway, out the door of the school, out of the parking lot. I ran all the way home.

My mom wasn't home, so I was alone. I slowly turned back to myself. But it took a few minutes. My mom got a phone call from the school. I'm going to spare you the dialogue that ensued after that. But long story short, I switched schools. I had to go to a new school. A school for "special kids". A school that could handle me.

It was called, "South Portland".


Thanks for reading!! ;D please leave a comment on what I can do to improve!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2012 ⏰

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Special, chapter 1Where stories live. Discover now