Prix d'interprétation Masculine

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The festivities and events went on for days. Many films were being viewed by the jury of the film festival, actors and actresses were being judged on their performance. The Cannes Film Festival was like the international equivalent to the Academy Awards, and thus held high esteem. The main award was the coveted Palme d’Or, which was awarded to the winning film. Inglourious Basterds was in the competition. 

Amaya had enjoyed the festivities, and when Christoph wasn't interviewing, they were able to get into screenings of some of the movies. Some of them were public screenings that they attended, but others they had gone to with Quentin, and on a couple of occasions, Eli Roth joined them. Christoph had gotten close to both Eli and Quentin, and though Amaya was still handling her own shyness, gradually, she began to get a little more comfortable with both of them. She was glad she had Christoph with her to keep the conversation going.

Naturally, they all talked about movies over dinner on those nights, and Eli had wanted to know what movies Amaya liked. Of course, she enjoyed fantasy and science fiction, but she also liked suspenseful scary movies, the kind that built up the scene so well that the climax actually made one jump in the seat and stop the heart. Eli could appreciate this, though he was more of a fan of gore. In fact, he had told Christoph that, "She was a keeper."

When Amaya was alone, she'd log on to her laptop and watch his interviews and watch it as a child watches the newest Saturday morning cartoons. She hated that many of them were in French, but he was still adorable nonetheless.

There were many other awards, just like the Academy Awards, and Christoph was in the running for a Prix d’interprétation masculine, which was the Best Actor Award for a male role. When Christoph’s alarm went off that morning, he jumped out of bed and rushed to the shower. He wasn’t late, nor would he be, but the nerves and adrenaline had him on a high.

The awards ceremony would be another red carpet event, and Amaya had brought with her another dress to wear; this time it was black. She could tell he was nervous, but he was excited. This whole ordeal had really pumped him up, and it made Amaya glad to see that Christoph may have finally made it just as he had always wanted.

When Christoph wasn’t interviewing, they were able to get into screenings of some of the movies. Sometimes when she was alone, she’d log on to her laptop and watch his interviews; she hated that many of them were in French, but he was still adorable nonetheless. Some of them were public screenings that they attended, but others they had gone to with Quentin, and on a couple of occasions, Eli Roth joined them. Christoph had gotten close to both Eli and Quentin, and though Amaya was still handling her own shyness, gradually, she began to get a little more comfortable with both of them. She was glad she had Christoph with her to keep the conversation going.

Naturally, they all talked about movies over dinner on those nights, and Eli had wanted to know what movies Amaya liked. Of course, she enjoyed fantasy and science fiction, but she also liked suspenseful scary movies, the kind that built up the scene so well that the climax actually made one jump in the seat and stop the heart. Eli could appreciate this, though he was more of a fan of gore. In fact, he had told Christoph that, “She was a keeper.”

Amaya moaned and groaned as usual when the alarm went off, but she still managed to drag herself out of bed at the prospect of food and coffee. This morning would be a bit different, however; it was the last day they were to enjoy the festivities before going back to Berlin and she would fly out to Los Angeles. Christoph had been nominated for an award, and she definitely wanted to be there to share in his moment if he were to win. If he didn’t win, she would be super pissed because he deserved it more than anyone in her biased opinion.

She wandered into the bathroom and wrapped her arms around his waist as he stood at the sink with his shirt unbuttoned while he shaved so as not to drip shaving cream onto his nice shirt. She kissed him on the cheek and said, “Morning, sweetheart. Are you excited for today?”

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