New kid

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High school. Done With That Hell-Hole! They say you'll always remember your high school experience. I can't argue with that, but I can say sometimes you do want to forget it. I did...Until John.

During High school I was always a way for other people to get rid of anger. When I got an A, They'd beat me up because-what I believe- they were just insecure of their own grades and life.Alexander Hamilton the guy no one likes but everyone knows. The guy who gets straight A's. The guy who despite having all AP classes, doesn't have many reasons to live...Until John...

I grew up in the Foster system, that alone gave way to abusive or neglectful torment. But when High school started my life just got worse. My Mother died when I was 10, but I promised her I would do something great with my life. So when I found myself on the bathroom floor, 5 stripes of Blood bleeding through my sleeve, the only thing that keeps me from letting myself bleed out, was her....Until John..

When High school came, and beatings were at home and at school I started cutting. It was a way of relief. I didn't eat, which I shouldn't be proud of and I'm not. But it felt DAMN GOOD to be able to say no to something. I didn't sleep because during this whole mess I still had some kind of work to busy myself with worrying over...Until...Senior year. Until...John.

October 12, the day he came.                                                                                                                                      Sitting in English not paying attention because I was already 2 months ahead of the curriculum, I barely noticed when the door opened, or when the teacher started to talk using a different hey I'm your friend tone that teachers get. That is until Peggy, my best friend-my only friend, Nuged me."Yo New kid," she whispered motioning with her head. And right as I looked up we made eye contact."woah," I whispered to quiet to hear, feeling a small blush creep to my face. But Peggy heard. I saw the smile spread across her face. And I started panicking wondering what she's gonna do. Till she stood up,"What Peggy get your ass down!"I whisper hissed at her to no avail.

"HEY mr. Lee, We got a seat He can sit back with us!" Peggy all but yelled. Causing Lee to roll his eyes but, he just pointed back to them while looking new kid in the eyes. He nodded and walked beach.

Our eyes meet again, but I just looked straight down into my book and started to pull at my sleeves. Okay Alex don't mess this up, just keep quiet and don't scare him off with your problems. He sat down right beside me. I could feel my face heat up, and I could see his arms were also tense. Great you already made him hate you, You worthless piece of-. My terrible thoughts were interrupted by Peggy, as always. She could always be there to help me out of that. Even when she didn;t know it. She Shoved me in the arm and I stared at her just telling her with My eyes. I'm not doing anything and neither are you. This of course did nothing. You can never tell Peggy what to do. She reached her arm slowly over me knowing I'd flinch if it was to fast. But before I could stop what was about to start.

"Hi, I'm Peggy! You knew what's your name!" Yeah keep making new friends cause I'm never talking to you again. The Guy looked quite startled to say the least.

"Huh, oh uh, I-I'm John Laurens." He smiled. Oh. That smile only made me sad. I knew that smile. That was the smile of someone hiding the truth from people who might worry. I used that smile, too many times to count. With his mom, His social worker, Peggy. He had something going on.

"So John this is my friend Alex,"I looked at him and he looked at me. His smile was wiped from his face, which should be a good thing. He had a face of pure astoundment, with his mouth slightly open. I knew I had a matching look.

"Uhh uh um hi Alex its nice to meet you."

"As with you" Now Peggy was my only friend and the nicest person you'll meet. If your her friend she knows everything about you.

"So John Laurens care to join me and Alex off campus for lunch, there's a great pizza place down the street." When I finally processed what she said I wiped my head around to glare at her. She knew I never ate Lunch, she would always be the one to go eat with her friends in the Lunchroom while I studied in the Library. But it was to late.

"Oh yeah sure I'd love that." He smiled. God a real smile. This one... this is what I want to see everyday. John. What can I do to make you smile like that.

"Great it's a date then!"Peggy squeeld before turning back to the class, noticing the teacher getting annoyed with the chatter. But I still wasn't paying attention. I was watching very closely as John's hand sat next to his notebook and mine by mine. Only an inch or so apart, how much I wanted to wrap my hand around his and never let go. To call him..mine?

When the bell rang I nodded of to John and Peggy who both had virtualy the same schedule while I headed of to AP us history. Once again I was ahead, and good thing I couldn't have payed attention for the life of me. I caught myself on more than one occasion drifting thought. Always landing on John. Why Peggy, why did you have to invite him out. I'm going to ruin my chance before I get it. But on the bright side, in 2 more classes I'll be going to eat with John, even if I don't really eat.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2018 ⏰

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