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I was staring blankly from nowhere, unable to talk and not in the mood more often. I felt darkness and emptiness when I loses my sight, I've been brokenhearted from the fact I couldn't remember anything but in my heart I felt something or someone is missing from me. I couldn't feel my legs even and only the sounds of chirping birds is the melody in my ears, no more tears to cry for whom? I felt really, really despressed and sad inside, my father always comforting me and I should be thankful for him but my heart tells otherwise I should hated him when I only felt nothing but tenderness from him. When I first woke up from a terrified nightmare all I can do is my eagerness to see everything but when I knew about my condition, I didn't talked to anyone for a few weeks before I gotten over it. Did I missed something in my life or should I say someone? I don't know either.

"Tiffany?" I heard my father's voice as I felt he's walking into my direction. I was sitting in my wheelchair with my nurse who left me alone a couple of minutes ago.

"Dae?" I answered empty.

"How are you?" He asked me with sadness filled his voice.

"How am I? Do I feel fine?" I asked myself curiously.

"I'm fine." Lie.

"Do you remember some small details now?" He asked again but I could only shrugged as a response from the word "nothing".

"Did you already eat?" He asked while patting my hand on my lap.

"Not in the mood." I said coldly.

"Do you want anything from Boston?" He said that he will go to Boston to meet someone for a week.

Boston. Suddenly, I felt something triggers me when the said country mentioned.

"Thanks but I'm fine." I lied again.

"Okay then I'll leave and please don't forget to eat so you can recover quickly when I get back." He concernly said before I slightly nod as a simple answer.

"Bye Tiffany." He kissed my cheek before he left me alone again.


"Did I really missing something?" I asked myself when I tried to remember something in my mind but everytime I do it I could only feel headache. Clenching my fist turned into a ball and gritted teeth trying to overcome the pain internally.

No one dares to tell the truth of what happen after I caught in an accident even I was dying to know everything before I got amnesia and the empty feelings inside is literally killing me to death like I lost something I shouldn't.

"I'm Tiffany Hwang." I said before a certain blurry image of someone flashback in my mind.

"I knew my name but I feel like I'm not literally the same person I was." I mentally about something else rather than remembering my old memories which I couldn't recall even if I tried to.


"How can we tell her about her death?" Tae Sung said worriedly as he comfort his ex-wife sitting beside him in the sofa.

"I don't know." Seon Mi answered.

"I think we need to keep it for awhile since she still haven't recover from amnesia and besides she's woke up not too long ago and then broke the news to her." Tae Sung added.

"I think it's the best way we can do about Tiffany's case." Seon Mi agreed.

"The best thing we can do is to help her out to recover and remember everything happens that night." Tae Sung smartly said.

"I will get some sleep for awhile." Seon Mi rose up from the sofa and walked through her bedroom.

"Okay sleep tight." Tae Sung said.

"I don't know anymore." He sighed.


She walked calmly with nothing in her mind like a carefree and free-spirited woman she was. She's smiling wide reaching her ears as she feel the breeze when she spread out her both arms in the mid-air while inhaling the ocean's scent as she walks following the shore that leads into a small home she belongs. She don't remember something or somewhere after her father tells her someone whom she doesn't even recalls and even her personal nurses didn't even know the story about her real identity.

"Oh, there you are." Her nurse called as she brought the person's wheelchair for me as she saw her sitting on the sand while enjoying the scene of the blue ocean.

"I want to enjoy the air for once." She said while smiling back at her.

"Okay Miss." The nurse said as she wait and follows the patient in cade she gets tired for too much walking.

"Is your scar almost heal?" The nurse asked following the cold-hearted person behind.

She lifted up her shirt showing her upper torso and the nurse gulps at the sight before her eyes caught the visible scars on her chest especially in her heart area where she got transplant a few months ago when a potential donor's family kindly donates the person's heart who caught into a tragic accident but no one dare to tells her the real story.

"Almost." She smiled at her.

"It's definitely a good sign since we thought were losing you in the process." The nurse calmly said.

"Thank you for this heart that I could still do anything I wanted." The person smiled widely showing her full set of white teeth.

"It's a pity she died young." She sighed heavily.

"Can you accompany me when I visit the donor's family as a sign of my gratefulness towards them?" She asked her nurse who nods happily at her.

"Thanks." She said before she continue to walked happily in the shore followed by her personal nurse.

"Oh and by the way, the donor's family name is a Kim too." The nurse said as the patient turns her head behind.

"Okay." The person smiled before she takes note about the information.

-to be continued

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