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 yellow everyone!!

this is my first story ever i know the title is bit wierd but i wanted to come up with somthing like that...

tis story is basically  my dream... well all i can do is now wright the story and hopeu guys like it.. :)

      it was starting of winter. i love winter i just like the way it feels in this seson i take walks out at midnight cuz i know the place the streets the houses and everything well..but now that isnt POSSIBLE. WANNA KNOW WHY WELL TO START OF IM A 15 YR OLD GIRL NAMED LILITH  WITH NO FATHER. AND NOW THAT MY (STEP)MOM IS MARRIED SHES MOVING IN WITH THE "NEW DIP SHIT" ..exactly aint a big news around here cuz just after dad died she was looking for guys to date....arghh it embarses me . my dad was the best..  he understood me well guess life is gonna be cruel on me.

i just woke up and was going through my regular routine when out of fuckin nowhere jake(the dip shit) knocks "THE FUCK IS THIS" (im not a morning person and i have anger issues) "its me jake hurry up we need to leave before 10".. "yea wait up" i came out of shower and went straight to my blowdryer did my routine . just as i was packinup everything i noticed this photo of my dad by the bed . i snached it and made a beeline for the door with my suitcase..

as i sat in the car i started to think bout how life changed for me over the years if dad was here he wont be glad u see my dad was a quiet person whos gf died the only one who can get him to talk.. and the one and only he loved his parents were abusive and rich . his gf was the best person he could ever imagine knowing she died whith a car crash which later was found out was a plot by his parents to get his addiction of her out of his mind yet luckily the child was saved and yes it was me..

it took a bad  effect alright.. he dint eat sleep for days nothing was good he was like a walking dead body later it was that his class fellow/the popular bitch had a crush on him as she was rich and he was broken thier parents wed them she was costently cheating yet he took care of me he said it was hard for him to get his coustody on me but after a lot of strugle he did he loved me because i was a part of that fallen angel he loved he did tell me once that my mother was more of a fallen angel and that her name was lilith resulting in me getting the name.. after his death this shit was just ..yea shit (STEP)mom dint care like she whould so yea thats all as it is





YEA HON ITS ME .. i came to warn u... i dont want u to go to cambridge falls high school.. there are ppl from ur mothers side there... her cuzions.. i know u dont belive me like i always say she is a fallen angel but im telling u the truth those ppl are ... well just stay away... ok?


"get up u good for nothing stag" *throws a hard ass thing at me* woow owow aoww im awake gettin up ok i get up take my stuff up i see i have been asleep for 5 hours i take a bath go straight to bed tommorow i have to go to school i have no idea what is its name jake did this BEFORE our arrival plus that dream i had .. well its just some dreams i get of dad warnings its blurry so all i remmeber is dont go and fallen angels...

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