Harry Styles

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*Surprising Harry at a concert*

*Surprising Harry at a concert*

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~ "Mommy?"

Your 3 year old daughter, Darcy, asked poking your seat.

You looked at her from the drivers seat in the car. Darcy and you were on your way to your fiancé Harry's concert tonight.

Darcy loved concerts, she'd get to see her daddy along with millions of other people who adored him just as much as she did.

You loved it to, seeing your fiancé, the love of your life in concert. Was one of the best experiences.

"Yes, baby."

"When are we seeing daddy?" Darcy spoke the best she could for a three year old.

"A few minutes, hon."

After a little while of driving you finally made it to the arena . Winding through crazy fans to get to your seats. Some people stopped you to say hello to you and Darcy as they recognized you. You told them to stay quiet about you appearance because it was a surprise for Harry, they all seemed to understand.

You finally made it to your seats when Harry was answering some questions from the crowd.

You thought that it would be funny if you asked a question. Harry didn't know that you were there. It was a big surprise.

You called up the man running around picking people for questioning. Luckily you knew him and were friendly.

He recognized you, and ran up towards you. Harry had no idea you were there, as he took a sip of water looking at some posters waiting for the next question.

"What is it like living with your fiancée and daughter?"

You asked with a cheesy smile.

He recognized your voice and your playfulness. He smiled a grin tight on his face looking at you and your daughter.

Q: What's your favorite color?
A: blue!
Thank you all for reading!!

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