Man, This is Cliche!

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Victoria's POV

“Okay, here’s the last box,” Emily says, walking into our new flat and sitting the box down on top of the others already sitting on the ground. “We are officially home.” She takes a deep breath and plops down on the couch for emphasis.

“Yeah, well, guess what?” I say, not bothering to wait for her answer. “We still have to unpack.” I hit her with the thing closest to me, which – lucky for her – just happened to be a pillow.

She groans, but gets up and starts unpacking nonetheless. “So are you happy now?” She asks, a smile tugging at her lips.

“Of course, now we can cross this off our bucket list,” I say sarcastically and wink at her. She laughs and shakes her head, used to me using sarcasm like a second language.

Just when she’s about to actually starting unpacking, her phone goes off. Get out, get out, get out of my head, and fall into my arms inste- “Hello?” She pauses, listening to the person on the other end of the line. It’s no doubt Jenny, our other best friend. That’s the ring tone that Emily has her assigned as. “What?! Are you serious?!” She shrieks. Oh Lord, it must have to something to do with our boys.

I wait until she stops fangirling and gets off the phone before I pummel her with questions. “Okay, so is there any specific reason you just screamed in my ear or…?” I trail off.

“Well, Jenny, being her magical stalker-self, just found out something incredible!” My blond friend nearly screams the last word. I urge her on, suddenly very interested. Hey, it’s One Direction! How could you not be interested?

“Well, she just called me when she found out where they live, and….” Em trails off, creating suspense like she always does.

“What, they live right next door?” I ask sarcastically, opening up a new box to unpack. But out of the corner of my eye, I see her nodding her head vigorously. I turn around so that I can face her, eyes almost as wide as hers. “Wait, are you serious, Em?”

“Yeah.” She says dreamily, probably already steaming up ways to hook up with Liam Payne.

Liam has always been her favorite; Harry being mine. Jenny likes Louis the best, I don’t know why. Niall is our second favorite, but for me, he’s tied with Zayn. There’s just something about Zayn. But don’t get me wrong, I still love Harry.

Unfortunately for her, I ruin her little daydream by saying her four least favorite words. No, not “We’re out of food.” That’s mine.

No, her least favorite just came out of my mouth in the form of, “He has a girlfriend.”

Immediately, Emily pouts and says, “I know.”

“How about we unpack a little bit and then go out for lunch?”

Her smile instantly comes back as she says, “Nandos?”

“You read my mind.” We laugh and start unpacking as fast as we can.

~~One Direction~~

What’d you think? My first One Direction fan fiction, so be patient, please. Comment, vote, fan, put it in a reading list; I don’t care. Just do it, please? For the boys?

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