the beginning

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It's my birthday next week and my mom is getting packed for her business trip to Las Vegas. I would go but I have school work to finish and it's my bday week. And shes on business so it'll be boring.

"you sure you don't wanna go?" My mother asked  

"Yes mom I'm sure have fun." I smiled.

"Okay ill be giving your gifts early to let you know" she said walking out my room.. 

"cool I can't wait." I saaid with excitment.

Your POV 

I really can't wait for my gifts but I'm really gonna miss my mom but I wonder what she got. I hope it's tickets to see Mindless Behavior they're my world mostly Roc Royal. He's so cute but I'll never get to see them or him even liking me

Mom POV  


I knew how much she likes Mindless Behavior so instead of get her tickets to see them I got something even better. I payed for MB to spend the whole day with my baby girl before I leave. There gonna surprise while were having her party it's gonna be great.

(I'm skipping to the day of the party.)


*the door bell rings but you don't hear it*  

 "Hey guys before I let you in I gotta tell you something." I asked as I let the boys in. .

"Sure what is it?" Roc asked.

"she studying in her room and she doesnt kno that you guys are her for her okay. So when I do the signal you come alright?" Isaid showing them the signal.

"alright." They said in unison.

Rocs POV 

Man I can't wait to surprise this fan. From what I hear she's is a huge fan, its gonna be cool. We sat on the sofa and talk but not too load.

Prods POV  

What her mom was cooking smelt so good so I asked.

"what ya cooking? it smells so good!" I asked.  

"her favorites or some at least. BBQ chicken, rice and chicken, corn, mash potatoes, baked Mac and cheese, baked zitti and fried chicken. But she doesn't like fried chicken." Her mother shruged.

"She doesn't like fried chicked! what's wrong with her!" I said shocked.

"I don't know she don't like fried chicken or kool-aid only the ones in the the pouch" she paused.. "Hide someones coming"  We all scattered to find a place to hide. 

"MOM! MB just tweeted "there at the secret location". " She screamed sounding a little upset.

"awe I wonder where it is?" She smiled

"I wish they'll follow me!" Shestormed angerly upstairs.


I walked back to my room to finish my HW then my IPod went off its Mindless Behavior has followed you! Me MB followed me I scream so loud and ran downstairs to show my mom.

"WOW! Thats great." She smiled.

I raced back to my room I can't believe it. My mom came in and gave me one of my presents it was a hello kitty case for my iPod I hugged her then she left to continue cooking I put Mrs. Right on blast and started too dance.You can see I was too happy.


Once it was clear for us we got then we herd Mrs.Right then I started to dance.


When Mrs. Right came on prod all ready started to dance. I really wanted to meet her she seems cool, shes beautiful and she had that cakeIf you know what I mean.


I told her to stay in her room while I'll go get her other surprise :) I gave the boys there signal to go meet her.


Her mom gave us the signal to go and surprise her. As we mad our way to the room it was all the way upstairs.


My mom has anther surprise I wonder what it is maybe the tickets to the MB concert.


We walked up to her room her door was open. So we sat there and watch her dance to Mrs. Right. I can't believe she got all the dances down pat even the chi-town shuffle. She is great dancer and she is beautiful. I wanna get to know her more.


we watched her dance for a lil than I look at roc he is in a trance by the way he was staring at her. So I taped him then while she was singing I decided to join her too. 



I heard some one singing behind me it's sounded so much like prod but I knew it wasn't.

"mom stop playing with me" I said putting hands on my hips.

"I'm not your mom and I'm not playing Happy Birthday YN" the voice said

"OMFG mom it's Mindless Behavior and they're in my room." I said as I turned my head to see them all.

"yep and happy birthday" Roc smiled.

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