My Love

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Recap: Prince, Kenzie, prod, and Neaha went to Six Flags. Prod asked Nesha to be his girl and she said yes.


We split up from prod and Nesha. We was going on rides until we got stop by fans they was all these questions I could see that Kenzie wasn't amused.

Fan1: hey prince wheres the rest of the guys. 

Me: uh Roc and Ray are at the house and me and prod are here. 

Fan2: I seen prod just a few ago he was with this tramp.

Right when she said tramp Kenzie face lit up red... She was pissed.

Kenzie: ugh excuse you that's my best friend you don't call her out her name ight. 

Fan2: I call her anything the fuck I wanna! Gotta problem solve it. 

Me: um ladies theres no need of all that remember spread the peac- *gco* 

Kenzie: prince cut that "spread the peace" crap ight! 

Me: yea babe I'm sorry. 

Fan1: BABE?? You talking to me? 

Me: um uh..... 

Fan1: awe I love you too babe!! *tries to hug me* 

Kenzie: he wasn't talking to either of you basic bitches ight he was talking to me! 

Fan2: prince don't want you like prod don't want that hoe he was walking with! Right prince? 

Kenzie: Oh that's it I'm done with you fans!

Before I knew Kenzie was on top of one of the fans. It was hella funny cause other fan was helping Kenzie but didn't know. I tried to get Kenzie off but she gave me this look so let go. After the fight we got kicked out Six Flags and sat in the car and called prod and Nesha to tell them.


Me: hey prod where are you? 

Prod: at the food court why? 

Me: Kenzie got into it with some fans and got kicked out. 

Prod: dang Nesha too but I stopped her before anything went down what did the fans say to Kenzie? 

Me: one of the fans was calling Nesha out her name like a tramp. Kenzie told them to stop they didn't then they fought now where in the car. 

Prod: oh well we'll be out after we eat ight. 

Me: yea hurry up though.

::end call::

Kenzie didn't say a word when we got in the car. She just looked out the window. I asked her if he was good but didn't answer.

Me: are you okay Kenzie? 

Kenzie: ...... 

Me: I'm sorry Kenzie I didn't want it to go down like that just please say something to me. 

Kenzie: *sigh* I'm not mad at you prince so stop saying sorry. 

Me: okay, well prod and Nesha are eating and gonna be on there way back. 

Kenzie: mhm. 

Me: Kenzie? 

Kenzie: ye- gco

Before she could say anything back I crashed my lips into hers. Surprisingly she kissed me back. I felt her smile between each kiss then I stopped.

Me: I've been waiting to do that. 

Kenzie: then why'd you stop? 

Me: I stopped cause I thought you was still mad at me. 

Kenzie: prince I wasn't mad at you I was mad at what the fans was saying. 

Me: Don't worry about the fans they just over protective of the group. 

Kenzie: fine but if they say something else. 

Me: dont worry mi amour. 

Kenzie: *blushes & looks away*  

Me: don't hide your beauty. I've been meaning to ask you something? 

Kenzie: yea prince what is it?

Me: I wanna know what does this makes us you know where do WE stand at in a relationship? 

Kenzie: um I don't know prince Everything is just going to fast. 

Me: oh okay sorry bout the kiss. 

Kenzie: I never said I didn't like the kiss, but I guess I'll try the "us" thing and see how it goes. 

Me: really!? 

Kenzie: yes. 

Me: positive? 

Kenzie: yes. 

Me: you su- *gco* 

Kenzie: prince if you don't. 

Me: *smiles* okay mi amour. 

Kenzie: why do you keep calling me that? 

Me: what mi amour? 

Kenzie: that! Why do you keep calling me that? 

Me: Oh um cause it fits you, it by meaning my love so yea. 

Kenzie: oh okay babe.

I pull Kenzie into anther kiss but this time it was more heated but it still had the same feeling to it. I guess she felt my tongue cause she let me in to explore her mouth. We ended up on top of each other till heard clapping and screaming it was Nesha and prod.

Prod/Neaha: woohoo!!! Yea get it in!!! *smiles*

I sat there smiling while Kenzie put her head in my chest blushing from what Nesha and prod was screaming, But I'm glad we are finnaly going out me and my love... Kenzie.

Hope you liked the chapter!! I'm sorry it's so short again!

Yea this whole chapter was in princeP.O.V.

Thanks to all the people that are faning, commenting, liking, voting, adding this to your reading list, and all that jazz. It means a lot to me that y'all really like it!! ^.^

P.S. don't forget to spread the word of my story tell your aunt, mom, dad, goldfish, the random bird that pooped on your moms car tell everyone!!! Lol

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