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"Hey you up yet?"

"Vivi wake up!"

"... hmmm... fivmrmins..."

"No we've got to go now, the mistress will be back soon." I finally woke up, to his utter delight. This I'm sure of, because as soon as my eyes fluttered open they met the grinning face of the most obnoxious boy I've ever known.

"So you comin' or not?"

Scrunching up my nose I replied bluntly "I'd rather kiss a toad." Then turned on my side for a well deserved slumber.

"Lucky I'm not one."

Evidently I was dragged out of bed, off to find who knows what.

Nervously I tugged at my brothers shirt. "Edwin, I don't think this is such a good idea, we're going to get into a lot of trouble. Maybe we should go back."

Being the boisterous, stubborn ten year old that he is, he thoroughly enjoyed any mischievous opportunity that came his way. To the point that he decided this was, and I quote, a spiffing adventure.

"Would you quit whining already, Vi. I'm trying to concentrate." He stated a matter of factly. "It might look easy when I'm the one doing it, but you'll never be able to. Not in a million years."

Fiddling with the lock he finally managed to open it. "Yes, we're in, now the fun really begins."

Folding my arms I stood defiantly in front of him. "I'm not going inside, you can forget it. I'll wait for you right here," I plump down onto the pavement with as much grace as an elephant falling to the ground. "Just go and do what you came to accomplish and brag about tomorrow."

"Fine be that way, you sissy. I don't need you anyway, you'd just get in my way." Like an arrow to the heart.

I try to keep my composure and looked him straight in the eye. With a huff, he spun on his heel and entered the forbidden grounds.

I shivered, the temperature seemed to drop a few degrees.

I really wanted him to come back.

No, no I don't need him, he's just like everyone else...

...but it's scary to be alone in the streets at the midnight hour. I wish I had never agreed to come along.

I'm going to have to follow him. I stood and dusted off my clothes, but before I could even take a step towards the only family I've ever known a hand clamped over my mouth. To be more accurate, the hand was so big it almost covered my entire face.

Fighting of air and the right of freedom, I swung my tiny fists at my assailant, to no avail.

"A feisty one this."

"She's quite the looker to, ain't she."

"We could get quite the pretty penny for her on the market."

No they can't sell me. I'm a human being for crying out loud not a object to be obtained and sold at their leisure.

"Why not have some fun with her while we've got the chance, eh?"

Being dragged off into the woods isn't a very pleasant feeling. Now imagine you are a little girl seven years of age.

Worst. Feeling. Ever.

It felt like an eternity before we finally stoped.

Leaves russled in the wind... hold on... there wasn't even a breeze!

"Shhh, did you here that."

Animalistic, that is the only way to describe the horrific sound that echoed form the canopy of the woods... a screech form the left and a bone chilling cry form the right.

That's all it took.

"It's the night howlers! Run for it!"

"Let's get out of here men!"

I was dropped faster than a hot sack of potatoes, totally forgotten in their panicked state. Helpless to the fate that awaited me.


Dead silence ripped through the woodland.

It felt as if my rappid heartbeat was shaking the earth beneath me.

One by one dark ominous figures dropped form every tree in the vicinity.

Eyes as big as saucers, teeth as sharp as the cook's kitchen knives. Hair growing form all angles and faces so misformed you wouldn't say they are human.


All eyes were on me. My heart skipped a beat...

...then two...

...then three.

Frozen in time. Petrified with fear.

They moved like creatures out of this world, on all four appendices. Dark skin stretched over bulging mussels.

Then it was in front of me. Curious green eyes bored in all of my being, human eyes?

Perplexed I looked even closer, equally if not more curious than the eyes of one of my saviors.

My eyes drifted down. Five fingers on a dark but human like hand around what seemed to be a weapon of sort.

It placed its hand and lifted up its face... no... mask. Reveling its true face.

Stunned I moved a few feet back and stared at nothing more than a small boy, probably still older than me, smiling down on me with actual emotion.

"You... funny look." He laughed in my face.

"Lissen here you halfbreed, or what ever you call yourself. If anyone here is funny looking it'd be you that's for sure."

He looked genuinely hurt my my retort.

As well he should, that's what he gets when he dares call me funny looking.

By the time I looked up all of the funny lookers had removed their masks.

"You come."

Before I can even comprehend what's up or down I was thrown over a shoulder and shimmied up the tree.

"Unhand me you brute." Panicked I slammed my fists into the muscled back, apparently tiny fists get you no where in this world.

Like a pack of crazed monkeys they jumped from tree to tree."Brute" was the only word that I heard echoing around for who knows how long.


*skipping boring intro*

Hoped you enjoyed the prologue.

I know. I know. A filler we all loathe these, but contrary to popular opinion this is how all intros work in every tale. Not much action... yet. As promised there soon will be.

I'll keep you posted and on your toes for the next one.


R. Romano

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2018 ⏰

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