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mina's pov :

"oh hey Ella. what is it?"
"sorry min but we cant hang out with you today....."
"why? today is the weekend."
"yeah i know, but today me and madeline have some work to do at school"
"why you dont invite me then?"
"sorry but we cant."
"why tho?"
"um....well its getting late we have to go.see ya!" then just like that Ella leaves my room.
"well i guess im just gonna go to the mall because i havent really go to the mall in a really long time and plus i need some clothes"

at the mall

i was about to go to the "kimmy clothes store" {A/N : i made that up}
but,then i see daniel, he looked lonely so i went to him.
"hey dan!"
"hey mina"
"what are you doing here?"
"well,im going to go see heru"
"wait, your sister!?"
"i though you dont want to tell anyone from your family that you came back"
"i know, but i can trust heru"
"btw, you should go now because heru want a private talk.maybe we can hang later?"
"whats your number?"
"okay bye mina!"
"bye daniel"

after shopping.....

huh…...that was an tiring day.
where are they?
then, i found a note

the note =

"sorry mina....but we all have to go to paris because we have work there. we are not allow to invite you because they though you arent good for the work....btw, misty didnt come too definetely youre read this when she is in the room, just guessing.....anyways, sorry mina we tried our best to make the principal invite you and misty too but the principal disagree. we'll see you in about 2 weeks! bye....
-sincerely, your bestest friend, Ella

"misty!" i shouted
"why are you not invited to go to paris?"
"idk....he just straight up reject me."
"oh okay, well if you need me im in my room sleeping!"
"okay min....im gonna sleep too, so tired....."

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