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Two figures ran from separate paths, desert clothes trailing their steps, and met under a dry, withered old tree and into a secret bunker. It was filled with long, thin corridors underground

The headquarters for the Kids Next Door refuge group. It was Sector V, not like they had connection to the other Sectors. There's five official memebers, and the rest are volunteers. But, let's not get ahead

Three kids awaited them at the bottom of the stair case

The one front and center was a boy with a black messy faded cut with a stubby ponytail on top with a red shirt, brown cargo pants, brown shoes and black shades

One of the girls near him had long bangs like that on a Barbie symbol, also blonde, and with a braid. She had fiery eyes and short red overalls over a white sleeveless shirt

And the other had long brown bangs and long hair, like Mal's from Descendants with a green clothe headband with a bow. And wore a red suspenders holding a red skirt over a green shirt and black leggings. She was hugging many rugged Rainbow Monkeys

The first figure took off the desert attire revealing a dark blue set of long overalls with a purple shirt and flower patches. She had her dark curly hair in a bun with some sticking out the front of her dark skin

"I got two." she said in a scratchy African voice
"I got one." the second said in an Australian accent

He revealed as a short figure in a black trash bag. He had a red bowl cut.

"Uh..." the brunette girl began
"Don't-" the blonde said

She face-palmed

"Uh... duh." said the boy "We're in an apocalyptic wasteland. It's appropriate, see? I even put a hoodie and pockets.

"We're only half related" the curly-haired girl reminded
"No, no it's not." the brunette said
"Just tell me you have underwear." the blonde girl said
"Oh geez!"
"Anyway." the boy in the shades said.
"W...where are we?" a tiny girl asked, she looked starving, as she came out from behind the curly-haired girl
"I want my mommy!" her similar looking brother cried

"We're at the Kids Next Door secret headquarters, silly." The brunette said "we rescue kids and they help us cook and take care of patients and stuff. Here, have a Don't Worry, Buddy, Rainbow Monkey." she handed the girl a toy

"This one's sick." the boy in shades said, feeling the small boy's forehead "Take him to the infirmary, Numbuh 3 billion." he said

"You got it, Numbuh 1 B."  said the brunette, taking the boy by the hand and skipping away

"Log them in, Numbuh 2 billion." he ordered the blonde girl "Nicely done, Numbuh 5 billion. What have you got, 4 B?"

(Billion, B. Banana banunu. Okay?)

"Here," he said stepping away, "he won't quit hiding."

Numbuh 5 B took the kid out by the hand "You ok, kid?"
The little girl nodded "I...I'm sc...sc...scared"
"Don't worry, what can you do?"
"I... I used to help mommy cook."
"Good. Why don't you help in
"R...really" she stammered "I'd like that."
"Sign her up, Numbuh 2B" 


That was short. Drama will begin next chapter. Ahaha


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2019 ⏰

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