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‹ B E A U

I'm going crazy.

Let me tell you why I'm questioning my sanity. To begin with, I just performed an x-ray on a werewolf I brought home last night. Not only that but said tiny werewolf was causing me to question a lot of things I had previously been secure in. Such as my belief that werewolves didn't exist in the first place. That as well as the fact that under normal circumstances I would never allow a stranger who'd miraculously transformed into a human in the middle of my living room to remain in my house. No, I would have sent them their merry way and possibly called the nearest mental institution to check myself in.

Once I got over the initial shock of seeing him as a human, I couldn't help but notice how malnourished he looked. I could practically see his bones. So then I just had to help him. He reminded me of the lost puppies I see at the clinic all the time. It made me want to help him find his home, but of course, he wouldn't have a home. He'd been living the woods all alone for eleven years. After learning that it was like every overprotective cell in my body were activated all at once. If helping him meant he would stay with me for the foreseeable future, then that's what would happen.

But that's not what makes me crazy. What makes me question whether or not I am fit to call myself sane is my unexplainable attraction to the little wolfman. That and the fact that I haven't called the cops yet. There was just something unexplainable about him that drew me in like a moth to a flame. I wanted him. In more ways than one. This caused a few complications in and of itself.

I had to leave Kolbe in the room. My brain was fuzzy and I couldn't tell you what was going through my head when he walked up to me so deliciously naked and so unbelievably innocent. I just had to have him in my arms. Damn, I've only known the boy for a few hours yet everything in me desired to make him mine. There is something wrong with me. I didn't even know his last name and yet I wanted to— god, the things I want to do to him. I groaned.

Fuck, I need help.

I was cut from my thoughts by the sound of my phone ringing. Fishing the device from my pants, I swiped the screen after reading the caller ID before pressing it to my ear.

"Hey, Ro," I greeted my little sister. "How are you?"

"Hi, I'm good, how about yourself?" She greeted in return. I bit my lip. At the moment I was going through a lot. Between treating a werewolf and questioning the validity of my sanity, I can say that I wasn't doing too hot. I couldn't tell her that, so I settled for the customary 'fine'.

"How's school?" I asked. It had been a while since the last time we talked. Ro was currently going to school to become a medical examiner. Her university was a few hours away so I only saw her every so often.

"Good actually, I was calling to tell you I'm in town for the weekend, mind if I come over?" My eyes narrowed suspiciously. Usually, when my sister came to visit she didn't call ahead to ask if she could come over, she'd just show up.

"Rowan you never call in advance. What's up?" I pointed out. Although, I admit I was grateful for the early notice. It gave me time to figure out what to do with my little werewolf situation.

"Umm- well, ya see..." I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the nervous edge to her voice.

"What is it?" I asked half amused and borderline annoyed.

"Okay, okay, just listen, don't get ma-"

"Don't get mad?!" I boomed into the phone. I was extremely overprotective of my sister. I knew this, she knew this. So it should go without saying that this is not what she should start with when trying to tell me something. I heard her sigh into the phone. "What the fuck do you mean, don't get mad, fuck is going on?! Are you okay-"

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