(2Jae) Operation : Love

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Tittle : Operation : Love
Author : ungodlyhours (aff)
Type : Chaptered ,fluff, angst (happy ending)
Pairing : 2jae , markjin
Status : Complete
Link : bit.ly/OperationLove (make sure the caps)
Agent!Jaebum, Doctor!Youngjae

This is the-best-fic-ever !
Strongly recommended!
The fic is well-written . Grammar OK.
If you like angst-fic, then you have to read this one!
And also, if you are a 2jae shipper and such a trash for markjin too (like me), this one is the best fic for us!

 If you like angst-fic, then you have to read this one!And also, if you are a 2jae shipper and such a trash for markjin too (like me), this one is the best fic for us!

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