To : Jaded and Weary Human

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Dear You,

Hey, it's been  awhile since we haven't get along, how are you? Hope this message finds you well.

You may be feeling weary and hopeless right now and can't just get enough strength to pull yourself up. Tired of so many reasons; you broke up, you got fired, your bestfriend found another so-called bff, paperworks, endless deadlines, exams, or simply just tired of the world.

Maybe, your thoughts at the moment are like stars that you cannot fathom into constellation and that makes you more restless, but buddy lemme tell you this - you got me front and back (virtual hugs).

Buddy, you are never alone. Paperworks, deadlines, heartache, all of that is temporary and you being tired is not forever, take a rest but never quit.

Let's forget you being weary for a moment. Why don't you go somewhere, grab a coffee and read your favorite book?How about a soda float and fries (ya know comfort foods)? Or just hang out with your bed and be thankful of your heartbeat? Buddy, life has always something to celebrate for.

The world isn't a wish granting factory. Stress, failures, and hardships are all part of our existence. We are human, yes we get hurt and that is inevitable. We cannot ask life to be magical as always, we must face challenges to know our strength and capabilities.

One last thing, remember the 90/10 Principle; 10% of what is happening around you is out of control yet you got all the 90% on how you're going to deal with it and make it possitively right.

You deserve all the love and effort you're trying to give everyone/everything else.

The Yin to your Yang 🖤

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