Where have you been?

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Yoongi's POV

"Where is Tae?", I think as I nervously pace around the room. Tae didn't show up for work we had to do at the company. I haven't seen him all day and I am worried.

Our company rented a private room in the restaurant because there is another company coming and since so many people are going to be talking, it was best to have a private room. Less chance of fans bothering us as well.

Ugh. Where the hell is he?

Jimin must've noticed how nervous I was, so he came over to me and tried to calm down.

"Hyung," he starts off softly. "He will be here soon. You know Tae wouldn't just disappear without a good reason."

I nod and take a few deep breaths before I suddenly hear a voice.

"Let's prepare ourselves," Bang PD says to me and the rest of the members. "The other company just arrived. Let's be on our best behavior."

"Uhm," I speak up a little nervously and bow to Bang PD. "Tae isn't here yet."

"We have to start without him," he says as the people from the other company walk into the room. He turns to them and bows to them while smiling. "Ah, so nice to see you all. Thank you for meeting up with me and the boys. Please sit."

The boys and I all bow to them and sit down afterwards.

While the dinner is going on and everyone is chatting and laughing, I decided to text Tae.

[Text Message]

Tae? Where are you? You have been gone all day and I am getting worried. Please answer me. You have missed work and now you are missing an important dinner with another company. What is so important that I can't have any contact with you?

[End of Text Message]


30 minutes later....

Ugh, still no reply. Now I am getting pissed.

The members see that I am starting to get pissed and become more cautious.

"He's dead meat," I mumble to myself.

Just then, suddenly the door opens quickly. I look up to see Tae.

What is he doing?

I get up and go over to Tae annoyed and pissed.

"Where have you been?," I asked quiet, and as calm as I possibly could. "You have been gone all day, ignoring my texts, and skipping out on work."

"Yoongi," Tae starts to say. "Let me explain."

Taehyung's POV

"Why would you do that? Why risk so much? What if you got caught by fans?", Yoongi says a little more sternly now. By this time, everyone is watching us. Crap, he's so pissed. I must tell him now.

"Yoongi," I suddenly speak up. "I have something to ask you."

Yoongi stopped and look him confused. I took that chance to speak before he could say anything else.

"Min Yoongi," I speak up loudly for everyone to hear. "Being with you has been the best three years of my life. I want many more years like the years we have had together. You are cute, funny, handsome, you have a beautiful heart, your mind is full of great ideas, and so much more. It took me a long time to realize this, but I love you. I love you so much. I love the way you focus on your music. I love the way your gums show when you smile. I love when you hold my hand. I love when you sleep next to me. I love when you act like a grandpa. I love everything about you. I don't know how you feel about this, so I am taking a big step right now."

Yoongi looks at me completely shocked.

"Where I am going with this is..." I continue to say. Suddenly, I get down on one knee and pull out a black box. I open up the box and, there, displays a beautiful ring. "Will you spend the rest of my life with me? Min Yoongi, will you marry me?"

The room was completely silent. You couldn't hear anything. My heart was beating so fast. What will Yoongi say?

Yoongi finally broke the silence. "Yes," he said.

I looked at him shocked. Did I hear correctly?

He gummy smiled and held out his hand. "Yes," he said once again to reassure me.

I box smiled and placed the ring on his finger. I got up and kissed him while everyone cheered and clapped for us.

"Can you explain to me now as to why you were gone all day?", Yoongi said to me, after breaking the kiss.

"It was all part of the plan," I say and smile when I see Yoongi's confused expression. "I did all this, so that I could propose to you. Everyone was in on it, even Bang PD and the "people from another company."

Yoongi looked at everyone with complete shock and they all smiled at him.

"This dinner wasn't even a real dinner with another company," I say while looking at him. "I hired the people to act like it was an important dinner, but in reality, it's an engagement dinner."

"Then, why were you gone all day?", Yoongi looks back at me and asks.

I laugh and say, "Wait till you see what I did to the apartment." Everyone starts laughing including Yoongi.

"Tae," Yoongi says with a smile. "I love you, too."

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