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A/N: This is my first official, real real story so I'm just going to start it with a cliffhanger! BTW~ this was re-typed and recently edited. So to people who read this before June of 2014, you should try to scan through and re-read (just a suggestion).

   Celia's feet dash forwards. It was closing in. The shadowy figure that's been hunting her down for years. She never knew what it was; it always hid in the darkness. But now there it is as it corners her by brick. In the middle of the night, construction areas were creepy as hell. She'd only seen Earth by hologram, and this is no Earth. The sky had three moons and you could see other planets in the solar system, even in the day(though then they're very faint), by just looking at the sky. Beautiful, but that was when you weren't being hunted down by this.... this.....

   Her arms fly out and a burst of color radiates through the night. Celia's eyes close and everything goes silent. Her eyelids flutter open and there lays the monster, a pile of bones. They don't look fey or demon.... Are they alien? She wonders. Then the bones start to shutter and reform into a horrifying creature made of cartilage and flesh that dangles like fruit from trees. And bone is tree, in this case. Celia felt like she wanted to hurl right there and then. She would have, too, if not for the glowing red eyes of this grotesque monstrosity. Its claws swerved at her and she jumped onto the arm, creaking under her height. Obviously this creature is strong, but not sturdy. "Always find the opponent's weakness" her father's words echoed in her head, "don't be afraid to risk it all". Celia pulls out a seraph blade; the angel knife, it's called. It vibrates, blue light creating a swirling pattern across the sharp metal. The demon could only shriek before Celia jumped onto the shoulder, collapsing the arms and legs in on each other, and shoving the knife through the skull. Light erupts from the demon's mouth, eyes, and what would have been ears (if it were human), then it fell to ashes, sending her hurtling towards the ground. Celia hits the pavement hard and a large, dark shadow looms over her. She screams, but her throat is too dry, so it came out a groan. The beast came into focus. It was a hooded figure with its face shaded out. Does it have a face? Celia wonders nauseously. Why are there so many demons after me...?

   A hand comes from the cloak; not just any hand, but one with five-inch-fingers and a small palm... and like the other monster, this one's hand was all bone. The hand was inches from her heart when Celia began to feel dizzy. A hazel shine floats from its finger and drowsiness sweeps over her. What is it doing? It was killing her.... I don't even care anymore.... Celia's body gives in, and right before everything disappears from sight, a scream and a blinding zap of electricity goes around before everything goes dark.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2014 ⏰

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