Chapter 7

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Kian P.O.V

I felt so bad for her. I knew she was nervous. Especially since she had no friends at the orphanage. I'm nervous for her. We eventually arrived at Augustine Prep School. I parked quickly and unbuckled her from her car seat. She held my finger as we walked inside the building. The inside of the building looked much cozier then the outside.

"Name please?" The lady at the desk asked nicely.

"Arizona Pottorff." I responded. She turned her attention to the computer and her fingers danced on the keyboard. Arizona tugged on my finger.

"Yes?" I asked looking down.

"I don't wanna go." She replied looking up.


"Cause I won't make friends." She said her hand clenching my finger.

"Yes you will. I promise." I assured. I felt her hand get sweaty. Aw.

"Room 57." The receptionist said. I nodded my head and leaded Arizona to the room. We walked and saw kids everywhere. They all looked like they were high on sugar. Some were jumping. Some were talking. Some were just being hyper. 1st graders. Crazy. Arizona hid behind me.

"It's ok." I said softly pushing her in front of me.

"Can you play with me?" She asked.

"I have to leave. But I'll pick you up later on!"

"Do you have to?"


"Are you sure."



"Ye-I mean no. I have to leave." I said patting her head. I saw the corners of her mouth go down and her eyes glisten. Oh no.

"Hey sweetie why don't you go play over there?" A nice looking woman came up to us. She had long brown-red hair, hazel eyes and a nice smile (Andrea Russet). Arizona shook her head.

"Why not?" The lady asked.

"Nobody's gonna like me."

"I'm sure they will. Here go play with those 2 kids over there. They're really nice." She said pointing to two kids. It was a boy and girl, they were both dirty blonde. The girl had green eyes and the boy had blue. When I thought Arizona was gonna refuse, she did the exact opposite. She replied with a simple ok and walked over there. Well I guess that worked.

"Thank you so much-"

"Andrea, my names Andrea." She smiled. Perfect.

"Thanks Andrea. I don't think I could've left without you." I chuckled.

"Yeah. Kids are always like that on there first day." She replied.

"Are you her father?"

"No. I'm her brother. We adopted her."

"Oh! Does she have any special needs or problems we should know about?"

I felt the guilt rise from the pit of my stomach. It's been a month and I already forgot about her allergies.

"Yes actually. She has a very severe nut allergy. Oh and here's her Epi-pen." I said handing it to her.

"Okay we'll make sure to keep an eye out."

"Okay thanks bye." I said quickly walking out. She waved. She's beautiful.

Arizona P.O.V

I'm glad I went over there. They were nice. I learned that there names were Hannah Yarc and Jacob Kraus. They've been friends since kindergarten. Now were coloring pictures.

"I'm giving this to my mommy and daddy." Hannah said.

"Me too." Jacob said writing 'To Mommy and Daddy' in crayon.

"I'm giving this to my daddy." I announced. They looked at me weird.

"What about your mommy?" Jacob asked me.

"I don't have one." I said waiting for their reaction.

,"Okay." They said in unison. Phew I thought they were gonna leave me.

"Okay everybody! It's lunch time." The teacher excited.

"Yay!" Everyone cheered. They all rushed to the little table and sat at the seats. I followed and sat in between Hannah and Jacob. Two teachers handed out the lunches. Finally the teacher gave me my lunch. I opened it up and saw I had a turkey sandwich, sour cream and onion chips, and a juice box.

"Want half of my sandwich?" Hannah asked me. I nodded my head and took it from her.

"What kind?" I asked about to take a bite.

"Peanut butter!" She excited. I quickly threw the sandwich on the table. Oh my god!

"I'm allergic to peanut butter!" I whispered trying not to alarm the teacher.

"I'm so sorry!" She said loudly. The teacher glanced over at us in concern.

"It's okay I'm fine." I said loud so the teacher could here.

"What happened?" Jacob asked.

"It's nothing." I said taking a bite of turkey. He went back to eating. After we were done, the teacher taught us part of the ABC's. I think it's ABCDEFHIGKL right? Anyways, after that it was time to go.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow." I said walking out the room with Kian. They waved bye.

"So how was it?" He asked me.



So Arizona had her first day of school! 357 reads and 32 votes??? OMG guys thanks SOOOOOOOOOO MUCH! I'm gonna tell you next chapter who EMERALD is!! Hint: it's an actress from a very popular movie involving singing. I'll update soon. Your all bad bitch burritos! Wuv u ❤️

-Britishwiterliv ✊

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