Chapter 36

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"Alright, I've had enough." Megan breaks the silence floating over the lunch table. "Bella, you're eyes are red and you're being very quiet. What's the matter?"


"The truth." She cut me off. I sigh and shake my head.

"I was watching a video about a sick puppy and I cried. Pregnancy hormones." I lie, eating my pasta. James nods but Megan still watches me, her eyes narrowed.

"Anyways," James started, obviously wanting to change the subject. "Are we going to the winter formal as a group next week?" I take a breath and bite my lip. Every dance our school has, we always go as a group. It was out thing. Now that I knew the truth about them, I wasn't going to be a third wheel.

"I think I'm going to sit this dance out." I say, making both of them look at me with confusion.

"What? Why? We always go as a group." James questions.

"I'm pregnant, going to a dance isn't going to be much fun for me." I bite my lip as I feel my heart shatter all over again due to the words I was about to speak. "You two can go, though. Together."

"Are you sure-"

"I'm sure, I'll be fine." I take a deep breath. "I'll see you guys later." I say before stand up with my tray and walking away.

James's POV

"What do you think Belle's problem is?" I ask Megan as we walk down the hall to our next class.

"Maybe she's just irritated. When my sister was pregnant, she was grumpy all the time." Megan says. "But then again, she's always grumpy."

I sigh. "When I dropped off last night, she was fine. Happy, even. But now she's different." I bite the inside of my cheek. "Maybe I did something wrong. What if I ruined any chance I had with her?"

"James, you're overthinking, again." She reminds me and I take a deep breath.

"Tell me what to do." I whine, stopping in front of my class. Megan walks around so she's standing in front of me.

"Sorry, but I want to win this bet. Au revoir." She smirked before walking away to her next class. I roll my eyes and sigh in defeat before entering my class.


I aggressively throw my backpack on the couch and let out a breath of air. My mother appeared at the kitchen doorway, holding a rag in her hand. She must have been doing the dishes.

"Hey, how was school?" She asked, but I ignored her, throwing myself on the couch and turning on the TV. I heard her sigh and place the rag on the island before she took a seat next to me on the couch. "Alright, what's wrong?"

"It's Belle-"

"What a shocker." She said sarcastically, making me narrow my eyes at her. She clears her throat awkwardly. "Continue."

"She's upset and she won't tell me why." I pout, surfing through the channels until I find a telenovela I've been watching.

"She's halfway through her pregnancy, she's probably just irritable." My mother assures me, soothingly running her fingers through my hair.

"I know Belle, there's a difference between irritable and upset." I sigh, watching the TV as the villain shoots my favorite character. "Oh, this day can't get any worse."

Our heads turn as the front door opens and my father appears, holding his work briefcase and wearing one of his suits.

"Ah, ma famille." He smiles, dropping his briefcase on the floor and taking off his coat. "Why the sad face, mon garçon?"

"His girlfriend is upset with him and he doesn't know why." My mother answered for me and I rolled my eyes.

"Belle is not my girlfriend." I correct.

"Because that other girl is your petite amie?" My father asked, sitting on the other side of me.

"Right, Michelle, when am I going to meet her? You know, formally." My mother asks.

"We uh...we kind of broke up." I mumble, staring straight at the TV.

"Oh, my poor baby. What happened?" She asks puzzlingly.

"She found out that I'm the father of Belle's baby and she freaked." My father went to say something, but I continued. "I'm not done. She told the whole school, which turned everyone against Belle because they thought she was a liar so I went off on her in front of everyone."

My parents stared at me dumbfounded, until my father finally said something.

"Quelle chienne." And for the first time today, I laughed. A good, hard laugh.

"Victor, I swear if you cursed again-" My mother started to scold my father before he cut her off.

"I would never, mon amour." He said, his own wicked smile on his face.



Chapter 35 is written and published. Hope you all enjoyed it. <3

This book reached 1K reads and within a week, got 700 more. I almost cried.

Writing is the one thing I'm passionate about that I feel I'm somewhat good at, and to see all this support from you guys makes my heart swell.

Thank you all. <3


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