chapter 8

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As we cuddled he asked "did you really mean that princess?"

"Yes Erik I did"

He blushed and smiled

"I love you Erik "

"I love you to princess"

"Hey Erik ?"

"Yes princess"

"Wanna go do something?"

"Like what?"


"Alright let me get our things "

Time skip brought to you by hangie and her flying cadets!!! Oh no here come Levi .........RUN!!


"Hehehe so cute"

"Water here I come!!"

I run off and dive into the water having fun playing in the waves Erik standing close by I pull him in soaking him then a splash war starts

"You'll never win Erik "

"Are you sure of that princess"

Note do not I repaet do not challenging a demon to a splash war............they will win


Really short chappy sowwy but it's something!!

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