Chapter 2

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"WHOS IN MY BOYFRIEMDS BED!!!" an annoying voice yelled.

"The question is who is the bitch that thinks she can wake me up in the morning with her annoying voice!" I yelled back.

"Well your in my boyfriends bed go GET OUT" She yelled.

"Well sorry to tell you I'm his mate so get away!" I yelled.

"No way" She says

"Yes way" I say smirking.

"I Tina Freja challenge you Breeja Jackson to a fight to be beta female!" She yelled.

"Challenge accept the fight will be in 10 minutes" I say dismissing her. She grunts and struts out.

"Breeja this is unrealistic! You just shift last night" Gavin growled.

"First of all chum don't underestimate me! I can handle myself! Second don't ever yell or growl at me!" Lexi yelled taking over. Then growled back at him.

" Don't you dare talk to me like that!" Gavin yelled. I just hopped out of the bed and went to my room. with 5 minutes till the fight started.

When I got there I threw on my black sweats and grey tank top and headed into the backyard. I walked into the mini fight stadium we had. Almost all of the pack already where there waiting for the fight. I headed into the fight box and stood waiting for the girl to show. Then she finally did.

"Ready to lose bitch?" she sneered.

"Shut your face cause you'll lose" I state smirking.

"1...2....3 GOOOO!" The Alpha yelled.

She made the mistake to attacking first. The tried yto head butt me but I slammed her head into the ground hearing a sicking crack. She got up and came at me again but shifted into her wolf. She bit my leg and I yelped in pain.

"I'm taking over!" Lexi said shifting into my wolf.

Lexi circled around the other wolf looking for an opening. That's when she noticed that she had to left ear. That making she can't hear to her left. Lexi quietly ran to the left and bit her legs breaking it. The girl fell to the ground whining. Suddenly she jumped onto of me and cut a deep gash through my stomach. I howled in pain. Lexi flipped us over so the she wolf was on bottom and bit her neck getting her to submit. She got several other deep gashes onto my wolf and finally submitted. When it was over I let darkness take over.

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