Exo One Shots

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Hello! Author here! I'll be doing this story that consists of oneshots about Exo only. You can also send me a request (pm or by comment) and I will try my very best to not disappoint you, gals. :)

And another thing, please do not plagiarize my work. I've worked my ass off to come up with different ideas and plot. If you ever attempted to plagiarize any ideas from this imagine, I would be really insulted. If ever you fancy some of my plots/scenarios/storyline, please do tell me if you want to use it, and I'll gladly give you my permission. Although some chapters of this imagine was not originally my idea, I gave credit to the original owner. So please follow my example to avoid confusion and any arguments.

Once again, PLAGIARISM is a crime. Therefore you must avoid commiting it.


Exo One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now