Breaking free

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Hey guys here is the next chapter sorry i couldn't help myself haha *gore in this chapter*


You woke up in pain sitting up from the bed you stretched cracking your spin. Taking a look around you groaned. A loud bang came from the padded walls which was strange but soon you realized it was the door. Something large had hit the door causing the sound. Standing you went to move to it almost on cue the door swung open the little voice in your head back. "[y/n] kill become free" as the voice spoke you broke into a sprint out the door to the experiment room and grabbing a scalpel you smiled turning as a nurse ran by.

Moving to the door way another silly nurse ran by quickly you grabbed her hair yanking hard stopping her from running farther. She went to scream but got cut off as you drove the scalpel blade hard across her neck. Blood squirted out far onto the walls as you stood head tilted as she took her last breath. Giggling you leaned down"death is the only salvation you'll feel" with that you watched her die. Running into the hall you chuckled blood dripping from the sharp surgical blade. Moving you grabbed a rope on the way out of the room.

Quickly you reached the third floor peaking in the small window you smiled as it was the night shift not a lot of people were working. Smiling you wished the lights would flicker to make the moment more fun and to your surprise the lights did just that and began flickering. Stepping through you quickly threw the scalpel lodging it into one of the workers temples instant killing him. "thats for putting me here asshole!" you yelled as the other turned you had the thick rope around their neck. Squeezing tightly you smiled as their eyes grew wide struggling to pulling to gasp for air. Laughing filled the room as the body went limp and to the floor.

Smiling you made it to the last floor through the kitchen you burned some faces off and skinned a few doctors. Finally reaching out to the outside it was dark shrugging you moved running to the woods. "[y/n]" Jeff grabbed your waist stopping you from running as his smile seemed bigger, "you are an amazing killer." With that the both of you ran he was a head of you as you came to a stop at the path should you follow this strange boy or what.

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