No Longer a Villain

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Summary: You go to Storybrooke in hopes of getting revenge on the woman who destroyed your life.

Warnings: Implied sexual situations, language

Rating: T

Notes: Y/N = Your Name

"Welcome to Storybrooke."

You dust yourself off and stretch, cracking a few joints in the process. You hate portals, more specifically, the landings. You follow what you assume is a road, though you have never seen one like this, black like the seas at night, and you're hoping it will lead you to where the curse brought everyone. You grasp your necklace remembering too late that you had traded your ring and one night of, in your words, hell, for a magic bean. You reach for your flask and again, you swish the liquid around then spit it out. It makes sense that he needed to bribe the tavern wenches to give their attention to him, let alone warm his bed. Repulsion hits you again just thinking about it, you drink from your flask enjoying the heat spreading down your throat.

You have no idea how long you have been walking when you finally reach what appears to be the center of this village. You look around not having a bloody clue as to where to go, you turn to your right when you run into someone, a very solid someone. A mixture of that and the slight buzz from your rum causes you to fall, but instead of landing, a hand grasps your forearm.

"Easy, love." The man chuckles as he helps you right yourself. Your eyes are level with his chin, then travels up to familiar cerulean eyes and your breath catches in your throat, "Y/N?"

Remembering you were angry with this man, you bring your hand up and slap him none to gently on his left cheek causing him to take a step back, his head whips to the side.

"You never came back, you ass!"

"Bloody hell." he rubs his cheek, a smirk appears on his lips. You really want to punch that mouth of his, "If I remember correctly, darling, I told you to stay put."

"You were taking to long." you shrug your shoulder, "Next thing I know, these purple clouds or smoke was coming, then there was some sort of barrier. I panicked." You rub the bridge of your nose, wishing you hadn't had so much rum. "I thought you left. That the curse took you." You look up at him, only to find him less than a foot away.

"We were protected, it was Cora's doing." he explains. Turns out, everyone had been frozen for 28 years due to the Dark Curse, and on top of that, wondering where your Captain had disappeared since you were no longer where her told you to stay.

"I'm... I drank too much." you bite your lower lip, shifting from foot to foot while he raises an eyebrow and slides his tongue across his lower lip. You roll your eyes and close the distance. He wraps his arms around your waist, your head rests against his shoulder.

"I've got my ship here, what do you say we go there now?" You feel his hot breath against your ear and a shiver runs down your spine. He chuckles lowly and presses a kiss to your temple.

"For sleep, Captain. I'm too exhausted for anything else."

"As you wish, love." He whispers, keeping his left arm around your back, leading you back the way he had come.


When you wake in the morning, you feel incredibly warm, almost too warm. You open your eyes, the smallest amount of light that's shining through the curtains, hits your eyes, you close them immediately. You feel Killian's arm around you and said man spooning you from behind. Your Captain definitely needs a bigger bed as you try to move to stretch. Killian's breathing changes and you feel his arm tighten around you.

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