3. The Deal

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"What do you mean no exchange?"

The meaning is perfectly clear, but I can't hold the question back. The whole speed with which events unravel is inconceivable, as well as the direction in which they're heading.

"They want no exchange," general Rykar repeats. "They consider your surrender an act of betrayal. In fact, they issued an official statement to the rest of your forces to execute you if you get away from us."

I just stare at him. It's been perhaps an hour since I and Amell have left the mothership to handle the rebels' attack. Half that time since Amell's been killed I've been captured—and already, my father has issued a death warrant for me? Truth, he had always preached it more respectful to die in battle than be captured. Truth, I'm probably not in the top five of his favorite children. Still, I'm his blood.

"You're bluffing," I say.

The general shrugs, gestures vaguely to the two men next to me, and turns to talk to another, the one I figure had piloted the jet that had lead us into the trap.

"So, Julie," says the guy that's been pushing me around—I think his name is Kano. "Looks like you're no use to us, after all."

I look at the other one—Garrett—who, despite his brooding looks, strikes me as less blood-thirsty, and of a higher rank than his friend. He meets my gaze steadily but makes no attempt to intervene. The general, engaged in conversation, begins to walk away. The crowd is quiet now, all eyes on our little group.

"Where were we?"

I don't need to look back to know that Kano's got a gun in his hands again. If he puts it to my head, I won't be able to talk him out of it this time.

"Wait," I say loudly. "General, whatever. Wait." I know his name—Rykar is very high on our to-be-killed list—but even in current circumstances, I can't bring myself to address him respectfully. Dirty rebels, all of them, no matter the rank.

He turns around with an indifferent look that makes me wonder once again if he's bluffing. He could be, to make me believe I have no other choice but to cooperate. But if that's not the case, the consequences of not cooperating will be too serious to take the risk.

"I have a proposition," I say. "How about I tell you certain things you'd like to know, and you let me go?" And then I get back home, fix everything, and come back for each and every one of you.

"What kind of things?" he says.

I pause. The silence is tangible. If I decide not to speak, it could be my last decision ever.

"The Carron settlement," I say. "Tomorrow, an airstrike will take place there. The goal is to wipe it out, since we have information that your secret facility may be underneath it." I wonder if it actually is. Not knowing where they've taken me, we could as well be under the bloody village right now. One more reason to let them know about the planned attack.

There's silence, and then something hits me in the back of my head. In a flash of shock, I realize that damn Kano has shot me, after all. The next second, still being alive, I figure he's probably just hit me with the butt of his rifle. As I turn around, he raises it for another blow, but Garrett steps in between us.

"Kano, enough."

"Fuckers," Kano spits out. "Wiping out a whole village, and for what?"

"Well, the way you treat prisoners is just outstanding." I can feel blood trickling through my hair onto my neck.

The general's eyes are still on me, unblinking. "What else do we need to know?"

"Oh, many things," I say. "But this is the part where you meet me half way. If I tell you more, will you guarantee my safe release?"

"You're not in the position to make demands."

I shrug. "You know I have important information. Killing me won't give you anything."

"We don't know, but we will tomorrow, if the attack actually takes place. In the meanwhile, we must prepare for it." He turns to Garrett. "Make sure he's locked away for now." He looks me over. "He should shower. His wounds should be tended to."

My spirits rise for a moment, but then Kano steps closer. I can feel his breath on my neck.

"And tomorrow, if it turns out you lied," he says in my ear, "I guarantee you a set of brand new wounds. Some of them lethal."

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