Bags of tea around the table and sprinkles of coffee, sugar and cookies that Retro devoured all by himself this morning; the lamps were still on, the sheets dragged to the floor- clothes on the beds, papers flinged in the shape of airplanes everywhere, the toilet paper roll from the bathroom reached the balchony and part of it almost flew away.There was a scent of Jasmine tea whichw as relaxing and I adored it- so did Connor and Hellas but there was a particular scent that no one liked, the smell of morning watery shit, a complete masterpiece of Retro from all the cookies he ate.
'Yuck, there's a smell of poop' Retro moaned,
'It's your own, you dimwit- could you be any more dense than this' Natalie insulted. Just as about Retro was going to reply with provocation, Hellas jumped in,
'Let's not fight, shall we?' he said glimering his eyes with the same authority that I have. Since he was the son of the dark lord they feared Hellas just as much as they feared me but I believe I was more intimidating since I am the leader of the companionship
I stayed here one day but everyone made a mess out of the clean and presentable Herper hotel room. 'What do we do now?' asked Natalie, 'Now, we get to use Connor again to arrive at the dark forest' I replied
'Fucking now but we just came from the dimension of magic and back to the Herper World!' Exclaimed Retro,
'Yea, now' I bickered, Retro turned pale as if he knew- he knew that a Lord of the son of Cygnus might easily strike him dead if he wanted to. With time I began to comprehend how much stronger I was than the regular necromancer.
I peered at Connor and he looked shifty- rather uncomfortable, I approached him.
'Is everything fine, Connor' I whispered,
'The t-thing is-s my lord-d Eric, I need to speak to you, i-n private!" Connor croaked while sizzling like ice. His face said it all, he wanted to speak to me privately and it wasn't good news at all, his face turned ghastly as if he just died and turned in to a ghost, his eyes twitched and his breath accelarated I could sense his breath hitting on my face every millisecond. I extend my hand to the balchony and we are now outside, in private. The horns, beeping of vehicles made everything almost indaudible – again I was fed up with the herper's environment. How selfish they were and how greedy for sex, money and material possesions they were, even I a dark mage interest himself in different purposes of life, the purpose of my father Cygnus, to fulfill my destiny and bring him back to life.
'Speak your mind, Loyal Connor' I praised him,
'Eric, my abi-lity, haaaa ss nott recharged yyet, Each tt-time I-i use it, I beccomee we-ak-k, If I utilize it too-o mu-ch I'll die, please le-t usss wait until tommor-ow' Connor slurred, his hands shook promptly and they couldn't cease to oscillate almost as if his hands were a whip or as if he just hot out from a hot shower in a wintry shivering frosty evening.
Instead of hearing excuses, I wanted to fulfill my destiny as soon as possible, I surely didn't want Connor to ruin my plan- my plan is the only important thing there is in store for me and I must not fail but then again I did pity poor Connor, the feeble guy was disabled and he suffered from speech and movement as well as excessive depression and anxiety. Connor was more similiar to me than anyone would thing; he was sorrowfull but at the same time deceives himself by a straight faced-smirked smile of gay joy but nontheless- it's all deceit. Connor continued to shiver from toe to head when I decided to take action, I landed my hand in to his and from the sudden movement of my hand, he took a step back probably got startled because he thought that I was going to strike him down but I did no such thing. My hands delievered a warmth better than the hands of a mother holding her baby.
'It's fine, although I would like to finish this mission as quick as possible, I excuse you today but no excuses tomorrow, at first light we must part ourways with this Hotel' I said slowly, he nodded ten times, fretting but grateful of my approach.
I patted his back ' If my missions is fruitfull, I'll make you my personal ally, friend and backholder in the order' I said to encourage him.
His face turned from white to a sun bright yellow shimmering light and I knew it was motivation to him and maybe it will get him to realise- time is limited- we must get going and be done with this mission.
Eric Bridge And The Locket Of Blood (BOOK 1)
Fantasy18-year old Eric Bridge can live in both the human and the magical world filled with demons, ghosts, magical creatures and wizards. Eric is one of sons of the dark lord Über and has set out to see his father and meet him for the first time. Eric was...