CHAPTER 65- GAME OVER (MerCy Love Team)

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Dedicated sa tol ko.. Salamat sa pag gawa ng video para sa kanta,, tsaka sa pag arrange ng song, paglapat ng music.. guitar.. kanta.. lahat na.. di mabubuo yung GAME OVER kung wala ka.. Kayo ni Kia.. so salamat sa inyo! Dedicated to sa inyong dalawa kaso isa lang ang pede.. haha.. thanks tlga!!! ~Yam

MerCy Chapter po ito.. (Steve and Stacy's CHapter.. ) Walang Bryle at Nash moment dito, kaya kung di kayo interesado sa story ni STeve, eh feel free to not read this..


Some time before Chapter 64.. haha.. Bago mag DECEMBER.. September palang to.. ^__^v


"Order in the court!!!" -Third sabay pukpok ng laruang martilyo sa lamesa habang nakasuot ng salamin na pang nerd with matching costume na pang Judge -___-

"We will now proceed to the "Steve is so dumb, he's dumber than a mosquito that's why he should go to hell and die trial" "   

wat the eff was that title about??

"Dumbshit mosquito, you have something to say??" -Third parin habang naka upo ako sa harap niya..

"Erm can you stop calling me "dumbshit" ?"

"He is right your honor, can we call him another name?!" -Katie wearing glasses also with matching Lawyer costume.. =__=.. (napapa english narin tuloy ako! anu ba to??)

"And what name do you suggest Counselor Katie?!" -Third

"I suggest we call him "Good for nothing, heart wrecking, shitty dumbass filthy mosquito!!" -Katie

"Wa-wat the hell was that?! eh dinadagan mo pa--"

"SUstained!!! from now on we will call the defendant Mervin Steve Folkner as Good for nothing, heart wrecking, shitty dumbass filthy mosquito!!" -Third

"Wat the--"

"Now let's go proceed... Counselor Katie,.." -Third

sabay lumapit sa harap ko si Katie

"So Good for nothing, heart wrecking, shitty dumbass filthy mosquito, sabihin mo sakin, nasiyahan ka ba sa ginawa mong pagwasak sa puso ng kapatid ko?!" -KAtie

"S-syempre hindi!"

"So kung ganun, bakit paulit ulit mo yung ginagawa sa kanya?!"-KAtie giving me death glare.. waaah!

"Pe-pero kasi hindi ko naman--"

"Isa lang ang ibig sabihin nun!! KAsi isa kang BOBO.. Bobo k----"

"Objection your honor!!" -Bryle na nakasuot din ng Lawyer costume

"What is it counselor Bryle??" -Third

"Can I ahm.. arrgh! ang hirap mag english! Basta pede ba akong umalis dito sa tabi ni Steve kasi nalowbat yung PSP ko! magchacharge lang ako!!" -Bryle

"No you can't" -Third sabay pukpok na naman ng Hammer

"But why??!" -Bryle

"Cause I said so.. Now let's proceed.. Counselor Katie.." -Third

"MAhal mo ba ang kapatid ko?!" -KAtie

"Ou nga! mahal ko nga yun! paulit ulit naman tayo dito eh!"

"kung mahal mo sya eh bakit mo sya sinaktan?!" -Katie

"Eh hindi ko nga sabi sinasady--"

"Hindi!! Isa lang ang dahilan! It's because you're Good for nothing, heart wrecking, shitty dumbass filthy mosqu---"

GFFH BOOK 1 { CONTINUATION OF SIDESTORIES }Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon