One Summer Day

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Let me start off by telling you how this romance came to be. There was a mysterious boy named Grayson, but I never thought anything of him. He was just some kid in my class, sure we talked every now and then, but I knew nothing about him. Then everything changed on that one summer day...

*At the local burger joint in town*

"I hate being single" I say to my best friend Alexis.

"Oh come on it's really not that bad, you don't need a boyfriend"

How would she know? I think to myself. She hasn't been single for over a year and doesn't know how to live without her boyfriend. They act like their a married couple and are inseparable. I'm surprised she's even here with me to be honest. Don't get me wrong I'm happy for them, but lately it seems like she's never around and when she is she's texting him the whole time.

"I know I don't need a boyfriend, but it would be nice to have someone around" I say.

She's looking down at her phone like she's not even paying attention to me.

"Hello, are you even listening to me"  I ask.

"I just texted Grayson telling him that I know a girl who likes him in our class." she says with a smile on her face.

"Are you an idiot the only two girls in our class are you and me. Plus you have a boyfriend so he's going to think I like him!"

"Oh come on, you said you wanted a boyfriend and Grayson is cute and single. Plus you already know him. You need to stop being so picky and give a guy a chance" She answers. 

Maybe she's right...

As I was about to say something Alexis's phone went of showing she got a text. We both quickly looked at the was Grayson.

Grayson: Who Aria?

Even though I knew Alexis was right. I didn't want her texting Grayson. I don't know if I was just nervous in general or scared of being rejected, but I just had A bad feeling about this.

"Tell him no, that you were just joking"  I demanded

Alexis ignores me and continues to answer.

Alexis:  Yes

Grayson: I've thought about being with her, but doesn't she have something going on with Jack?

For those of you who don't know Jack and I have been best friends since the sixth grade. In the beginning of freshmen year he told me he had feelings for me and we tried to be together, but things just didn't work out.  We are still best friends, but everyone assumes something more is going on. Which I guess we can't blame them considering how we act towards each other, but anyone back to the story.

Alexis: No, they are just really good friends

Grayson: I don't know, I like her and she's really pretty, but I'm not looking for a relationship right now.

Alexis: Well she's defiantly single and if you like her i think you should go for it. At least think about it.

"I can't believe you just did that" I say.

I know I said I wanted a boyfriend, but she can't text a random guy and tell him to be with me. I mean sure Grayson is smart, hot, athletic, funny, and has an amazing smile, but I don't like him! At least I don't think I do....

As the night continued and a few days have passed. I couldn't help but think about him. Now don't get me wrong, I've thought about being with Grayson before, not that I would let Alexis know that. Even though we didn't talk much we were getting closer so the thought has come to mind a few times.

Im sure your probably thinking, isn't it pathetic to think of being with a guy you barely talk to? Well your right it kinda is, but we've all done it.

This time is different though, it was strange like all of a sudden new emotions started coming out of no where. Maybe because I knew Grayson has been thinking of me to, or maybe it was the fact that since Alexis mentioned it first I never had to.

It's kinda weird isn't it? How in such a short period of time your feelings can completely change. How something that seemed like it would only exist in your head suddenly became realistic. Almost like the feelings you just developed aren't even real. Maybe there not. Maybe it's all in your head, but in that moment late at night the only thing that mattered was him  and the fact that he was invading my thoughts.

Late at night, without even thinking I automatically grab my phone and start typing away how I feel. Once I was finished, my thumb rested above the send button as I was debating what to do. When suddenly my mind no longer has control of my body and the message was sent to Grayson. Which will prove to be both a blessing and a curse.....

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2018 ⏰

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