Twice OT9 | Think Once

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"I'm.. home?" You trailed off. You expected someone to be in the living room. Mina, mostly. She was always on the computer, but no one seemed to be home so you assumed that they all went out.

Unlike them, you were still continuing your studies so you school while they worked. You also considered working part time to earn money on the sides, but your girlfriends would not hear the end of it. They forbade you to work while you were studying.

You hung your coat on the rack and slumped on the couch. You checked your phone if anyone said anything but nothing. The chat was empty.

"Oh well. Maybe they just went out." You hummed and yawned. It was 6pm, and you didn't know why they had to be out till that late. It was an off day, too. It wasn't like them to be out. Again, you were overthinking the situation and calmed yourself down.

You decided to take a shower before starting on your assignments. It wasn't when you were fully naked when the girls stumbled out your closet. You quickly covered yourself with a towel and glared.


"Y-Y/N! Welcome home!" Nayeon waved.

You stared at them before shaking your head. "If that's a way of trying to get in my pants, well." You grinned. "You're trying too hard. I'll see you girls OUTSIDE."

You shut the bathroom door and the girls headed outside before arguing with themselves.

"It was Jihyo's fault! She pushed me." Sana complained.

"I wasn't even near you! It was Dahyun!" Jihyo argued.

"I didn't do anything! Jeongyeon was trying to be funny." Dahyun pointed at her.

Jeongyeon was about to retaliate when Jihyo sushed them all up. "Girls! Calm down. Y/N is home, and tired. Y/N had a long day at school, and we aren't helping."

Mina spoke up. "Didn't you hear how tired Y/N sounded the first time? When Y/N didn't see any of us I could hear the worry in his/her voice."

"Should we do something for Y/N? He/She has done so much for all of us." Chaeyoung murmured.

"A massage!" Sana suggested.

"If you give Y/N a massage, Y/N will only be more tired, you horny snake." Tzuyu commented, shooting a glare at said girl.

Sana gasped in pretence shock and innocence, holding her hand to her chest dramatically. "What are you suggesting? I would never do such a thing!?"

Dahyun giggled. "Tzuyu is right."

"Not you too!"

"Girls! We're getting off topic here." Jihyo hushed her group members.

"Should we bring Y/N some food? I bet Y/N is hungry. We can ask Y/N to rest in bed too." Jeongyeon suggested.

"Food?" Momo perked up. "Let's do that!"

"None of us can cook pabo, if anything Y/N cooked all out meals. That and we ordered a lot of takeouts." Nayeon said.

"I can. I've been taking lessons." Jihyo suddenly said, "Jeongyeon, Nayeon and Dahyun come with me and I'll teach you girls how while making Y/N dinner. The rest of you, get Y/N in bed and make sure Y/N stays there."

Sana smirked and was the first one that dashed into the room. Mina and Chaeyoung followed suit, worried that Sana would do something too drastic. Momo stared dreamily at the kitchen before being pushed into the room by Tzuyu.

You were already on the bed with a shirt and long pants, looking confused as to why Sana was literally laying on top of you, with Chaeyoung and Mina by your sides.

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