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When the light came back i woke up feeling cold not like weather cold like and object was touching my skin when I tryed to move i hit my head on somthing looking up I saw a trunk door 'you have got to be kidding me right this shit again'I thought to my self and befor u ask yes i have been taken befor but by people my father knew and when my father's agentes found me they killed my kiddnappers so these people have to be knew and this attack was diffrent from the others there attaks wheren't in plan site who ever planed to take me this time is new and smart to of thought Long and hard they even succeded in taking me i wonder were my bodygards are by now 

After laying in the back of a truck I hit bord and started massing with random things for about half and hour i hit hungry and clawed at the seats infront of me hoping they will get a clue cause of right now my eyes had to be blood red I smelled the air around me and i could not smell anything but death an dirty clothes

I think they got a clue cause minutes past and the stopped the car i could hear them getting out an I heard three individual foot steps coming to the back of the car I felt the power coming off of then the power wasn't compared to mine not bragging or anything im just saying but them to me are weaklings I almost laughted at the thought if them beating me I heard the car trunk pop and bam there were three men standing infront of me they all looked alike with their black hair and different colored eyes the one that was the tallest had blue eyes the short one had brown eyes and the middle one had hazel but had diffrent personalitys

they seem to be vamps cause if they weren't then I could smell if they were wolf or human non stranded either

"who are u people and what is wrong with u guys kiddnappen me don't u know it's not polight"I stated getting up and streaching my legs I was pretty tall I'm

5'8 my doc told me I could get up to 6'1watch is weird for a girl but I'm cool with it anyway

"we know but we had to take u uh and I'm luke and the tall one their is Jace and hazel eyes over their is Cole "said the short one

"u can't just ho around and taking people it's not normal to even for are kind u are such idot's"as I said that I was attacked in a huge hugg an felt my self being picked up and twirled around

"you can be are little sis I've always wanted one please will u be my lil sis"

luke pleaded

"already got one so no"I said smiling got down walking away

"And where do u think your going"and deep sexy voice boomed from behind me

turning around I saw jace standing their with his arms crossed and I gave him the

(are u joking im not staying here look) and turned around again starting to walk

"I wouldn't do that if I were u the boss is coming and he want like that his new bride I running from him I mean u do look like u give it out a lot that's probably why boss picked u "Cole said smirking but it soon turned when I grabbed his throat and slammed him to the ground

"you ever disrespect me again I will not hesitate to kill u but since your boss is here now u  explain why I'm not here I'm not anyones property you remember that that gos for all of u"I said befor running off on the high way and to some store I've never heard off and got in some car hot wiring it and pulled out of the parking lot checking the car for anything to tell me where I was I spotted a iPhone grabbing it an unlocked it I looked at the weather station and not to my surprise I'm in Nevada las vages I was only in the car for one day how is that even possible as I was turning the corner so one bump the back of my stolen car really hard to the point where the car flipped over into a ditch and all blackness consumed me

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