Chapter 2 Living with those brothers

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"So, Quan. How the orphanage family?" Ema asked you, and of course she cares about your orphanage family, she wonder how they are doing well or not.

"Everything went fine, but still they're poor and we barely have any money and food for the kids and families." You told Ema about them and she was happy but then when you said that they're still poor, she saddened. Ema wondered if we need a donation for your orphanage family.

"Awww...Gasp* I have an idea! Why don't we donate the money for your orphanage, so they can live comfortable and peaceful, and we get donation food,too. For the children that are starving." Ema brought an idea for your orphanage, and you agreed.

"That's what Masaomi said about donation." I replied

"Exactly.  We donate it at school and we can charity of your family." Ema makes a plan for the donation.

"Ema, you just brought a great idea for them. Thank you for your help, Ema." You thank her for the donation.

"Wait, hold your horses. Where's Juli?" I asked Ema

"Oh! He's in my pocket." She replied as she poke inside her left pocket and Juli came out of her left pocket. When he saw me, he gasped and pounced on my cheeks.

"Quan!!!! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!!!" Juli's tears fallen to his cheeks in happiness and joy. He kept snuggling my cheeks and I only smile to Ema and Juli because I love them as a sister and a pet and they treated me like a family. I smile warmly and grabbed Juli from my cheek and cupped my hand to hold Juli.

"Of course I miss you, too, Juli" Juli was so happy to see me and so do I.

As we talked in the living room, all the brothers  except Subaru and Masaomi gave me a glares but I don't even care about them.

"So Ema and Quan, let me ask you.  Are you two have feelings for each other?" Tsubaki asked while Ema blushed and I blush a tiny bit.

"What? Eww! No, we don't! We both treated like a siblings." Ema and I both said at the same time. But when I realized of what he meant and I narrowed my eyes with death glare at the stepbrothers. No wonder why why they asked me that kind of question. There's no way I'm gonna let them touch her.

"But you guys are way too close." Azusa said

"Its because he never had a siblings or parent. His parents passed away so fast and so did I so we had the same story, about our parent's death." Ema answered. What they don't know about me is that my name, means 'army man' in Vietnamese which means my dad is a General.  Its in my blood from my dad. 

'That's it.' I thought and snapped

Suddenly, I'm pissed off and started to grab my rifle and start pointing him with my rifle gun. Threatening if they ever touch or hurt Ema or Juli.  All the brothers shocked and scared.

"Oh I see how it is, that why you kept your eyes on my sis. You love my sister, hell to the NO!! If one of you bastards try to touch, hurt or harassing my sister and my squirrel, you'll be dead soon once I shoot straight through your brain and your skullhead. Understood?!" I said in a scary tone and they nodded as they're scared of me. I put away my rifle gun, and they were frightened that I have a rifle gun.

"Quan, when and how did you get that rifle gun?" Yusuke said shaking in fear as I looked at him and glare.

"I got it from my dad's closet when I was 13 and that's when I left my sister." I answered him and he still shaking in fear.

"Why did you have a gun?" Tsubaki asked

"Because whenever my sister and I was been bullied or get hurt, I can get my rage boiling my blood, to grab their arm and throw them at the ground hard to the ground and took out my rifle gun. Also my name also means 'army man' and yes I practice for 2 years and my dad is a General of Army and that's why I have that kind of blood from my dad's when I was born. When I'm older, I'm going to be a soldier to a General, like my real dad." All the brothers are terrified of me while Ema and Juli awkwardly smile and a sweatdrop. Suddenly, I felt ache in my head and felt dizzy. My head hit the edge of the coffee table and fell. I was unconscious and everything went black, so I passed out.  Ema was shocked in horror.

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