Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Kat has been asleep in a coma for a week now, I miss her so much. Every morning when I wake up from a restless nights sleep, I wake up believing everything is okay it's all fine.Kat's in her room she's perfectly okay, it was all just a dream, a terrible nightmare would be best to describe it, that I will soon wake up from. I never woke from the nightmare it's still occurring in my day to day life. How I wish it was just dream, that I would soon wake from.

Joshua was up at the hospital visiting Kat for the first time yesterday, he couldn't face it before, he was still in shock and didn't want to believe it. I still don't believe it. When I walked in he was talking about all the memories we have together especially the fishing trip the three of us went on. I remember that day like it was yesterday. It was amazing. The first time I've smiled in a week.

It was a sunny, warm, summers day, a Sunday afternoon, I was 10 at the time and Kat was 9. It was so sunny and warm outside, not a cloud in the light blue sky . You could hear the birds chirping sweet melodies as they sat on the branches of the oak tree in our garden. I love that oak tree my dad make a swing on it for Kat and I when we were little. We had just come back form the weekly church service at our church. Both our parents were massive Christians, I think that's why both Kat and I's middle names are Christian. We were having Sunday lunch, when all of sudden there was a knock on the door. Mother opened it, it was Joshua ,his father had just bought him a brand new fishing rod and he was just dying to test it out. He had come to our door to ask if we would like to go fishing too, of course we said yes . We loved spending time with Joshua and his father, his father was always so happy, smiley, funny, he would do anything to make us laugh when we were younger.

Mr.Tuner Joshua's dad drove us to the local lake, it , it wasn't too far away from our estate. We were all so excited, none of us had been fishing before. The lake was absolutely beautiful, the water was crystal clear you could see the fish swimming about in it. The grass sounding the lake was knee length, there were wild flowers growing around the lake, I liked the purple ones, but Kat preferred the blue coloured ones.  When we got to the lake Mr.Tuner set up all the fishing equipment, two rods and net. Mr.Tuner was quite the keen fisher man, he would fish with his father, Joshua's grandfather all the time whenever he was younger and now it was time to teach his son Joshua.  As he was just about finished setting up his work phone rang, he was on the phone for ages. Mr.Tuner was a manager at a very big business cooperation.  It was the office he worked in, they needed him in as soon as possible for some business thing. He showed us how to work everything and told us that he trusted us to stay out of trouble until he got back. We promised to behaved and stay out of trouble. Joshua's dad was always away on business so they never really got to spend a lot of time together, so Joshua was upset when his dad left, but soon cheered up whenever his dad promised to get us ice-cream whenever he came back.

Half an hour past and we weren't catching anything, nothing at all even though we could see the fish swimming about, it was so boring. Me and Joshua were just sitting there talking on the grass until we then we realised where's Kat? I started panicking, so was Joshua, how could we have lost her? Are we going to find her? Where could she have wondered off to? How much trouble will we get into if we can not find her by the time Mr.Tuner gets back?

We searched for ten minutes around the lake, around the play park next to the lake, into the forest and even behind Mr.Cooks chip van. We couldn't find her anywhere. As we were walking back to the lake we heard a noise and all of a sudden this thing jumped out of the bushes and jumped on my back it was Kat. Relieved that we had found her, even tho she wasn't lost she was just waiting for a chance to jump out and scare us. Typical Kat scaring the life out of me.

When Mr.Tuner came back, we told him all about losing Kat and how she jumped out of us giving us the fright of our lives, it made him giggle a lot. Whenever we finished talking and giggling, he took us to the chip van and bought us fish and chips. Since we never caught any fish at all, we ate it at the play park, we messed about at the play park playing on the monkey bars pretending to be monkeys running around, Mr.Tuner laughing at us fooling around before he joined in, he bought us an ice-cream cone afterwards. Then we continued played at the park for hours until the sun came down, we watched the sun set, we watched the sky light up red as the sun was saying goodbye to this day and get ready to say hello to a brand new day, then  it was time to go home. Mother and father enjoyed hearing about our day nearly as much as Kat enjoyed telling them how she scared the life out of us. Life was so much easier back then, being a child without a care in the world.

To this day I still remember it ,as if it were yesterday, the frightening, crippling, fear of losing Kat. The fear that we may never have found her, she would be lost forever. It was similar to the same fear I felt the night of the accident. That heart pounding fear, that I'd lose not only my sister who I  love to pieces but the best friend I could ever have. The fear that I'd be alone, no one left that understood me. I can't describe how that kind fear feels the moment it strikes, it is like you can't move, you can't speak, you can't even think properly. Kat and I may have had our differences, we may have argued none stop about the smallest and simplest things that never mattered, but I love her. I wish it were me lying in that hospital bed, if only it could be me and not her. If I could I'd switch places with her without hesitation. Please Kat please wake up I can't do this without you. I need you to wake up, please Kat just wake up. Please.

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