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Hey hii everyone , how you all doing?
Herez my next update! As i promised you all♡


Arfa POV

Huuh...after a long time I had a wonderful sleep alhamdullilah....

Arfa woked up after a long sleep..

what this time now , oh ya allah it gonna be 8 30 , how many hours did I sleep asar, no magrib today
What this ma is doing ?? She didn't call me also uhhh..

arfa went downstairs shouting

Oh my dear, you are up then
aisha gave a loving smile to arfa & asked her to take food on dinning table.

Mom why did u forget to wake me see today i missed my aser & magrib prayers you know that?????

What you said arfa ?? I didn't understand any thing, tell clearly what you are saying my dear

Ssssshhhh.....mama can't u hear me what im saying???

Yah I can , If u say a little louder that will be fine ..

Again aisha started to shout from the kitchen

Uhhh nothing ma
ill tell you later ok

Arfa finished eating dinner as she was so hungry from day time.

Oh you finished eating that soon princess....

OK ma im going up....

Arfa went directly to her room..

As soon as possible she started to clean up her study table...while cleaning she saw those dairies

hey here they are almost I forgot about these in the exam hurry

So today again I can start reading cz I had enough sleep in day time today

For firstly I want to pray isha

arfa ran to do ablution
Started performing isha

then , now I can turn up the pages....

Last time I read 2016.01.03 nah..

Oh she hasn't wrote this diary daily I think....
she has skipped some says..


Dear diary,
Its my another year of school life, also next year I want to face board exams & this year onwards they have started teaching. ...oh really its an irritation but some how I wanna study so that only I can sit for my exams right...

Im so happy that this year there gonna be sportsmeet & I hope we all gonna enjoy a lot as for up coming days we will get so tired of studying ..

Im so happy that my friends are always with me where ever I go or what ever I face .I m really so blessed with good friends in my life ..Alhamdullilah.

I heard riz saying that we gonna get a newcomer to our class..also we all are waiting to meet her..

All the time we all love new visitors for our group, so that we enjoy being with them & soon making them as a old piece in our group

There nothing more than that, me, rizma are always fond of watching Korean dramas & yes now hamdha is there to give some korean poison sure once she got it she'll fall ha ha

You know that we always enjoy talking about the scenes of korean dramas & about the characters some times we fight choosing who is best.

Finally the sports meet gonna start & for 1 month no study time

Wooohhh......she is such a girl I think
loves talking about characters in dramas....
I have heard that mom often says about her favourite drama serials n all

Tomorrow I should ask about that , may be my mom knows about helena(zainab) well...but how she is somewhere far...also if she is my mom's friend

Mom could have told about her to me , when she can tell about izzath aunty  ummm lets see...

I want to tell about these diaries I sha allah , tomorrow morning ill tell..

Arfa made a decision to her self.& started turning up next page ...

Dear diary,
Today im so happy that our school sports meet have been started. .& riz cousin sis came to our clz as new comer .& her name is hanaa I think ,
Im soo happy me & izzath both are in same house...
as best friends we were
togather in everything so that we loves to be to gather always

She is always my strength n weakness
Through out all my school life i has a very big part
In sharing happiness n sadness
She is always at first to me
I always see as her a blessing from almighty
Beyond bestfriend
She took soo many roles to support in my life & i hope she'll be there for me forever insha allah

Whottt??? Izzath im 100% sure now zainab is well known friend of my mom I say
so that I can ask about her from ma mmm great

But if mom got to know that im reading her friend DIARY & im sure she will grab these from my hand so I shouldn't tell her anything.....

again im feeling like sleepy
I think I can start reading tomorrow yawning
..hummm ...

Arfa kept the dairy in her side table & went to sleep

Gur...gur..gur...morning alarm rang for a long Time ..arfa was too lazy to get up so she slept again stopping ...

where r u ???
Aaisha came upstairs to she where is arfa

Hey come on darling it gonna
5 45 now
Still sleeping without even thinking about fajr salah ....

Ah wake up otherwise I gonna pour water to wake you up

Aaisha came near arfa

& sat beside her to wake her arfa come on baby

im not a baby
dont call me like that

ah this girl...
Soon wake up dear I never felt anything harder than making you to wake up in the morning

Why didn't u go to sleep early last night...ah???

I was busy with reading dairy ma...just...uhh..what did I said .

Arfa opened her eyes just to see whether she is on a dream or real

what did u said ma baby??
what diary whos one?? ma th...this
my bought me that one
I mean that I wrote not anything like read...heee heee..

What you said I didn't get it clearly? ??

Ah its 5 50 oh ya allah ill come soon praying subah u go will u ma

What this girl is saying shit...kk im going to kitchen soon u come there to join with us k.

Kkkkk ma .now u can goo..
Arfa ran to washroom. ..

Sooo...guys what will happen next ?? Sorry this is just a smalll chap...

Next chap.will be interesting as there's something different to say..

→next what will happen
→what if aaisha gots to know abt this
→when shaza& arfa will start searching
→what next?????

Don't forget to give ur votes & comments on my work ....

Wait to read next one soon in sha allah..

#so sorry if there , grammatical mistakes plz#..

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