t h i r t y n i n e

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I can feel Jimin's eyes staring inquisitively into my back

"What do you mean?"

"What does it mean to be okay, one would assume it meant content but how can one be content when everything is falling apart, no matter how hard you fight it, there shall always be a melody of melancholy playing in your heart that enchants all your happiness into it's tune. If you think of it that way, I'm not okay for my melody of melancholy never stops and now it is no longer a small verse, it is an orchestra that continues with no end unless I silence it with the sea."

"I see, I guess to be okay is to find balance with the happiness and sadness, to find order in the chaos that is your mind and should so the notes that play in your heart are ones with no single emotion, but a roller coaster of multiple feelings, constantly shifting it's motive and atmosphere,  but I suppose it's harder for other to find that balance and steady tune if their heart has more misery than others."

I nod barely noticeably before we fall back to silence.

What do you think it means to be okay?

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