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I love this one so I hope you like it. They have a video on YouTube of some little girl reading this.

Potential by unknown

Growing up,everyone around me always

Said I had such potential.

They were right.I have the potential to kill you,right now.

No way I'd get away with it,but physically,I could.

I could kill the pizza delivery guy.Wait at the door with a hammer.He'd never expect it.

The people around me in a grocery store,I could smash a bottle and stab at least one soccer mom in the neck before someone interuened.I wouldn't do it of course.

I could though.So could anyone around you.What if they're thinking what I'm thinking?

That it's a possibility. You don't have to be a degenerate drug addict,or a hardened criminal.

Grandma could poison you,cyanide in a pie.Coworkers with pens.Strangers watching you walk home.Mom or pop while you're asleep.Anyone who could over power you,even for a second,could kill you.You are so fragile.Yet you only fear the psycho in the basement.

Wake up and see everyone's potential,before it's too late.

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