Torsdag 'Real Life' (P.1)

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Someone called my name as I'm sleeping. There are two things I hate in my life: First, being woken up from my sleep and Second, a liar and someone who's a womanizer.

"WHAT!..let me sleep" I groaned

"Come on, we've arrived at my house" He said as I opened my eyes

It's been too long I haven't see William and visited his house, we've been best friend since we're in grade 7 and during grade 10 my parents were getting a divorce. I followed my dad and he decided to move to USA, and my mom? Well I have no idea where she is right now.

"Vic? You're daydreaming again..."

"Uh, shut up Willy...'

"Come on, it's getting cold out here"

I entered his house and remember every specific details of the house, I remember when we played hide and seek until we broke one of the ornaments. Well, Willy got the blames even though I'm the one who broke it. Thinking of that making me laugh.

"Why are you laughing? Weirdo"

"Shut up Willy"

"You know I hate when you call me that, .... anyway when are you going to leave my house?"

"Ouch, are you asking me to leave? I'm hurt Will. Well I'm going to stay in your house for a few weeks, I guess"

"WHAT?! Are you kidding me?"

I stare at him and give him a 'serious' face

"Okay, you're not kidding.. shit. Well, you know where your room is and don't worry I never touch your things as what you said to me back then"

Yes, all of my things from Oslo was with Willy and I do have a room in his house

"Love you Will! I'm going to take a shower"


I changed my clothes to much more comfortable (Picture Below)

I changed my clothes to much more comfortable (Picture Below)

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"Living room, Vic!"

I walked to the living room and see him sitting down on the sofa while texting someone

"Oohh Will, who are you texting to? Girlfriend?"

"What?! No! I'm texting to Chris"

"Who's Chris?"

"A friend of mine and a playboy, don't go near him"

As I heard his respond I started to laugh


"You?! Who are you to tell me not to go near him when you yourself a playboy too!" I said while I'm holding my laugh

William look at me and stare with a 'really' face. I started to walked toward him and sit beside him.

"I'm kidding! Don't give me that look"

"Why are you wearing that kind of clothes? Can you wear a full clothes?"

"Why? It's comfortable" I said as I lay down and put my head on his thigh

" Because I'm going to have a russ buss meeti.."

As Willy talked , someone walked in and I could see what Willy trying to say before

"Ohh, Will... sorry I didn't know you have any guest today" One of the guy said

And may I say that he's hot....

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