You can go to hell

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This was not edited and this was meant to be a fanfic where Merlin just doesn't care anymore but I don't really know what kind of fan fiction it is so I'll leave that up to you. Please don't judge how the story goes please.

Listen to Whatever it takes by imagine dragons


Merlin comes home from a long trip but finds his want to sleep continues to be interrupted.


Merlin treks the Sandy path, each step his shoes picking up more sand, the sky was fading into a warm mixture of orange and purple, it will be nightfall soon. Stopping to pour the sand from inside his shoes once again he looks forward, the city of Camelot illuminated by the night stalls and the dozens of rooms and halls around the citadel, his kings included. Finished pouring out the Sandy from his shoes he glides them on one at a time, he looked at the ground in front of him, only dirt from here on, no more pesty sand kicking it's way into his only pair of shoes; it'll take months to be rid of all the sand. He ascertains the time he has left to travel by distance, he could see the castle but it would still be another two hours journey before he even steps foot into the lower town. Sighing Merlin begins to walk once again, excited to reach home after a month's journey.

Arthur was uncaringly annoyed when he found out Gaius was sending Merlin back home by force to visit his mother for her birthday whilst also picking up a few rare herbs that could only be attained in that local area, according to Gaius they were easy to find but Merlin will certainly complain that one required him to climb down a cliff side to reach it. Despite Arthur's annoyed ramblings he still had wished his servant a safe journey and Merlin was astonishingly happy when he did so.

Only the night sky with its thousands and thousands of stars resided above the world right now and despite Merlin's compelling urge to keep on his journey home he wanted to sit and admire the sky above him, he would invite Killgarah to rest with him but the all knowing dragon was probably already asleep thanks to his old age,  Merlin smiles sheepishly wishing he had gotten to know the old fella before he had gotten so old. Returning his focus back onto the moon and stars shining brilliantly down on him he found himself wondering what Arthur had been up to lately, if him and Guinevere were closer to having a next heir and what kind of person their child would grow up to be and if he would be there for them too. Taking one last glance at the night sky he returned to his aching feet and began towards home once again.

If Merlin wasn't so tired from such a long journey he would have noticed a shadow that did not belong to him followed closely behind and into the lower town with him. At this time all Merlin could think of was checking up on Arthur and then crashing in his not so much more comfortable bed then the one at ealdor. He hummed a tune as he walted up the stairs and into the hall where a late night meeting was being held if Merlin was right it most likely had been going on for a few hours now. Merlins eyes glazed over at the sight of the enormous doors, oh how had he missed this castle. Without knocking Merlin let himself into the ongoing meeting between nobles and knights.

To say Merlin was expecting a warm greeting would to be telling the truth but no one had seem to even notice he walked in. Worried for their five senses Merlin steps up to the man sitting closet to him and pops his hand right in front of their face, sadly he received no reaction. Hesitantly Merlin climbed ontop of the round table and walked towards the middle, investigating the non existent reactions of the men around him. Lastly he locked his eyes onto his one and only king but also received no reaction of him. Frowning Merlin sat down on the table, he was now extremely concerned about the situation he was in. He thought after such a long travel with no horse as well that he would retire with ease but things could never leave him alone could they?  Trouble had to always follow him,  before summoning his spell book for answers the doors opened with a bang, the force of the doors hitting the walls created dust forcing a rather mystical appearance of Morgana and two other men their faces covered by the hood of their old cloaks. Startled Merlin jumps up and immediately looks at Arthur, already he had unsheathed his sword Excalibur.

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