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July 4th 2013.

Morgan sat at the forensic scientist's office waiting for the results of the forensics. It was taking longer than he expected. Actually it was taking longer than should. The whole process was beginning to weigh him down but he would not back down. He had to find out if his suspicions were anywhere near the truth.
The forensic scientist, Mr. Barry walked in with a smile on his face. He placed the files in his hands on the desk then he sat down on his seat opposite Morgan. He pulled his seat closer to the desk. He was grinning like he had found something amazing. Morgan couldn't wait to know what this was.

"I have good news, we found something." Mr. Barry said. "But there is also a bad news.

According to the test results, there was a boy on the scene of the blast. After series of other tests, it revealed that the boy was aged about nine to ten years old. However there are no records as to the whereabouts of the boy, if he is alive or not. Now remember, i am not directly in charge of the whole arrangements. Frankly i am taking a huge risk meddling in this affair. But because i owe you one, that's why i did this. But i have to ask, why now? Why after 19 years of the accident you want to know what happened? Is there something i am missing? Is there something i should know?"

Morgan was quiet. He gave a half smile to Barry.
"Thank you so much Barry, i really appreciate. I will be heading out now, thanks again".
He stood up, extended his right hand for a handshake with Mr. Barry. Mr. Barry stood too.

"Well, it was nice to be of help. I will let you know if something else comes up."

"Thank you so much." Morgan said. Then he walked out of the office. He got to his car and sat on the driver's seat.

Morgan stroked his huge beard; a habit he performs whenever he is thinking deeply.

Morgan was a short man with a face of a drug addict if there ever was one. He had a big nose and broad chin and his eyes were dull. He looked like a mix of Chinese and Greece. He walked with a limp on his left leg. This left leg was placed on the clutch of the car as he drove off. He did not know where else to go. If his suspicions were right, he may have to stay in this city for a long while.

February 24th, 1998

Esperanza sat in front of the porch with her best friend Stella as they each drank from bottles of cream soda they each had in hand. They watched the two kids playing their dolls.

They dressed them up in little pink doll dresses and created a scene of a ball dance. They swerved the dolls in the air and twirled. They were so happy.

"Our daughters are really getting along" said Stella, pointing at the kids with her bottle.

"Yes, they are. I must admit, they seem to think that they are sisters. Last night, as i went to tuck them into bed and turn off the lights; when i was about to open the door, I heard your daughter say to mine

"You are the best sister in the world".

I was so touched i was driven to tears. I tucked them in bed and i couldn't help but watch them fall asleep and they looked so beautiful". She felt her eyes brim with tears but she kept them in.
"They don't look so beautiful now" said Stella, pointing to the kids again.

They were lying on the sand trying to make sand angels.
Esperanza saw them and laughed.

"Well no, they don't. They look like angels". 

She wiped a tear off her eye and emptied the content of the bottle into her mouth.

"Come on girls, get inside and wash up" she called to the kids.

The kids were happy with the idea. They both loved water. They happily walked into the house, their little feet leaving marks on the floor as they walked. 

Stella smiled at Esperanza

"This just reminds me of the night you walked into this house with that little girl in your tummy, now look at her, she can do her own walking now"
"I can't believe it has been four years now. I can't believe i haven't seen him in four years now"

"You mean Oscar?"

"Yes Oscar." Esperanza said in a low tone.

"Stella, I am really grateful to you for letting us stay here all this while. You are truly a good friend."

Stella pulled her seat closer to Esperanza and held her hands.
"I had to. I mean, what are friends for? And i must say it has been fun. You know, when i lost my husband five years ago, my home became boring. Pregnant and lonely are just not supposed to be in the same line. It was three weeks after i put to bed that you called. I was happy to have you stay, though it wasn't a good thing that brought you to me."

Esperanza looked down at her hands.

"Sometimes, i feel like calling Oscar, you know; see if he has really changed. My little girl will soon start asking about her father. What do i tell her?"

"I think you should call him." Stella said. She was looking straight into Esperanzas eyes and tapping her fingers on Esperanza's.

"Yes i think you should. After four years, there must have been a little change in him"

"You may be right", Esperanza agreed.
"Mummy, i can't find it! Mummy!  Where is it?" The kids were yelling.
Both women laughed. They wondered which of them was being called. 
As Esperanza pranced  into the house she said to the kids 

"Okay girls, I am coming in. Who wants to go first?"

Two little girls sat in the bath tub raising their hands up and shouting above their lungs
"me, me, me!".

Stella's phone rang and she picked it up.

"Hello Oscar. Yes she is okay. They both are".

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