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Description: "I loved her not for the way she danced with my angels, but for the way her name can silence my demons." - Christopher Poindexter

Author: weyhey_harry

My Thoughts: Okay, so this book ended today, but she is making an epilogue. Now for my thoughts, this book is amazing and it makes you think. It's like mysterious, but drama-filled and will keep you entertained with the beautiful couple, who finally did the dirty, Rose and Harry. I recommend to read this book because I LITERALLY GOT CHILLS. C H I L L S .

Genre: Fan fiction (It is kinda mysterious, so if you like that you should definitely read the book)

Rating: 100 of the fücks I used to give out of 10 fücks I used to give.

Complete//In-Progress//On-Hold// Published//Coming Soon//Sequel//

Got a book in mind? Comment below so I can read it and possibly put it on MFWB! Plus, if you like the story description and/or are planning to search it up and read it, please vote! It means a bunch and I really appreciate it! And finally, if you'd like me to read your book and critique it or give some feedback, just comment or message me @_vanessaencalada or comment/ message Denise(:

- Vanessa didlly bloop

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