Chapter 28 - She's The Reason Why

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Taking in a breath, Finley scoped out the first one to come after her. It was someone she had been matched up against before. He was lean, quick, stealthy, and well trained; he was the Black Panther.His first attack was quick, but Finley stepped to the side and watched as his claws nearly caught her face.

The Winter Soldier training wasn't of any help at this time. HYDRA trained her to kill, to be ruthless, to be a weapon. Right now, she was trying to be Finley; she was trying to make what she could right. The whole reason King T'Challa was against her right now? It was because she had been framed as his father's killer. Of course there were plenty of missions she was assigned to that she blamed on the Winter Soldier, but Finn was completely aware that neither sides to her killed the former King.

"I didn't kill your father!" She hissed taking his arm and angling it painfully. Seeing it hurt him though, she backed away and let him go hoping to inflict as little damage as she possible could.

The Black Panther took advantage of this and struck again. "Then why did you run?"

Earlier. He was talking about their pursuit earlier.
"Two reasons." She hissed countering one of his attacks to throw him off balance. "One- I'm tired of hurting people I don't know." As they both collected themselves, Finley stared deep into the eye's of his Black Panther mask hoping that she could connect with him somehow. "And two-" she stopped another one of his deadly kicks. "-it's the only thing I remember how to do."

This made the King stop where he was, muscles relaxing and eyes taking her in. The whole fight, she hadn't given an offensive move. The woman was always backing away from him, trying to avoid any fight that she could. In his mind, that wasn't worthy of the one to kill his father. All this woman wanted to do was get away, there wasn't an ounce of violence in her eyes at the moment.

Instead, it was fear; but not because of him.

Seeing her glance over to the Captain and the Sargent, T'Challa understood and his heart went out to her. All she wanted was for her friends to be safe. Putting them in harms way, it broke her before him. That didn't make up for the wrongs she had done in her past though- and he couldn't let her get away. Not without her having to face justice.

Winding back for another strike, T'Challa took aim for a knock out. Finley took a breath and relaxed herself ready for what was about to come. She was tired of fighting. If they wanted her, they could have her.

It never did though.

Instead, the Scarlett Witch had the Panther under her ora and was throwing him in the opposite direction. In thanks, Finley nodded and both of the women exchanged a small smile before heading off to their next battle.


The clock was ticking, and Zemo had to be getting close to the rest of the Winter Soldiers by now. They needed to leave and they needed to do it now.

Sprinting over to Bucky's side, Finley blocked a shot from Iron Man with her metal arm, then blocked an attack from the Widow with the other. Then, seeing that Finley had Natasha pinned where she wanted, Bucky sent a kick into Romanoff's stomach making her fall to the ground.

"We need to go. Now." Finley grabbed Bucky's arm. "Zemo is probably in Siberia by now."

Suddenly, Steve joined their side as well. "We gotta draw out the flyers. I'll take vision. You two get to the jet."

"No." Sam landed between the three of them. "You three get to the jet!" War machine had entered the picture and Sam took off taking the fight with him. "The rest of us aren't getting out of here."

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