Mind Games

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"What's wrong Romano? Why are you still crying? Your fratellino is here to look after you, remember~?"

Feliciano's once glowing and sparkling eyes held no emotion as his now dead brown hues bore into Romano's teary orbs. This was not the younger brother he was used to dealing with. The faint smile across his features was one of false sympathy as he observed the fresh marks of his handy work on the brunette's features. After all, he still had to convince Romano that he was through punishing him for his previous actions.

As he lifted a hand to wipe away Romano's tears, his hand slowly drifted towards his brother's partially bruised lips, smearing the slowly drying blood across his bottom lip. His previously forced smile began to change into one of piqued interest yet his eyes remained emotionless, no matter how many times he wiped away the tears they continued to form. "Do you trust me, fratellone? Let me look after you from now on, okay?" He asked yet it sounded more like a demand than a request.

Feliciano was long gone.

But who was here to replace him?

Romano trembled a bit despite himself as the monster that was his brother began to touch him so carefully, a much drastic contrast from what he had done not so long ago, explaining why Romano's lip was so badly bruised. On his knees, Romano brought his attention up at the shell of Feliciano as he was asked again to let him look after him. Like he'd let that happen. He didn't want this Feliciano anywhere near him as this was clearly not his brother.

The sweet, caring, albeit annoying brother that he loved even if Romano wasn't as expressive about it, wasn't in there anymore. That was clear enough without it needing to be said outright. The real Feliciano wouldn't raise a hand to a bug, let alone his own flesh and blood.

Romano swallowed nervously as he knew that if he denied this version of his brother again that the result would be the same as before, with a harsh backhand across his face followed by the same persistent question. He remained quiet in a silent answer of submission, letting his head hang down in defeated as he cowardly looked away first from this man's gaze.

Feliciano's eyes made quick work as he scanned his brother's features for some sort of reaction, feeling unsatisfied at the lack of verbal response to his previous statements and questions. Feliciano slowly brought up his other hand and placed it on the other side of Romano's face, taking careful measure as the right side held the majority of his injuries. "You're starting to worry me, /fratellone/. Why won't you answer me?" The extra emphasis on the word 'big brother' was done in a sing-song voice, teasingly reminding the elder of their relationship. Feliciano honestly found it quite pathetic how easily he had managed to take control of the situation, almost finding the situation boring if things were to continue on this path.

He took particular interest in the bruising gradually forming along Romano's cheekbone and hovered his thumb close to the area. "Would you like to try that again?" His thumb began to make slow, gentle circles around the blemished skin in a comforting manner, only to forcefully push down on the mark as a sign that his patience was growing thin.

"Do you trust me!?"

As Romano's cheek was being massaged with care at first, it brought him confusion as it made him question why his brother had become so caring that it until he felt shooting pain as his bruised skin was pushed in, causing him to let out a silent scream that led into a whine. "Ah! That hurts you-," he groaned as he bit his lip, trying not to blow up at him as he knew that Feliciano had the advantage over him at the moment. He was breathing heavily as he held back from yelling at him as he didn't want to anger this form of his brother further with useless curses that wouldn't do him any good to get out of this without more injuries. "I," he took a breath as he opened his hazel eyes to meet the others gaze, "trust you." He said the latter words in a tight lipped way as he didn't mean it, but for the sake of his safety, he would although reluctantly.

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