Melt My Heart -Zane~Chan-

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This story takes place in around the time of Lovers Lane, but KC has already started to reveal some of her secrets, such as her name being Nana and the whole wanting to be unique thing.


Zane felt the cold air tickle his nose as he stepped outside. He had his old striped sweatshirt on, it was dependable, but not warm enough for the snowy weather. A blanket of white was draped over the street, making the colors of the surrounding houses look even more vibrant than they already were.

Zane let out a grumble, stepping further into the winter wonderland. Laurence and Garroth were inside making breakfast, and Zane couldn't stand their constant bickering over which was better, pancakes or waffles.

He preferred crepes anyway.

He looked around, trying to decide on what to do before breakfast was ready. The snow crunched under his black boots as he made his way through the snow. It was satisfying in a way, he loved stepping into the untouched snow and hearing the unmistakable sound of it crunching under his boot.

Although he came off as grumpy, Zane enjoyed the cold weather. He let a little smile rest on his lips, and blew out a puff of steam as the cold air wrestled with his warm breath. He stuffed his hands into his pockets in an effort to keep his hands from becoming too cold.

Suddenly, something smacked him on the back of his head. It was cold, and quickly disintegrated as he whipped around to face the person who threw the snowball at him.

It was Kawaii~Chan.

She giggled historically at Zane as he fumbled to get the snow out of his hood. "Morning Zane~kun!" She purred, rolling another snowball in her hands. She was wearing adorable black gloves that had little paw pads on them.

Zane reached down to grab a snowball for himself. "You'll pay for that Kawaii~Chan!" His face looked angry and annoyed, but amusement twinkled in his eyes.

"Eeep!" Kawaii~Chan squeaked, pretending to be scared. "Oh no! Zane is coming after me!" She taunted, turning around and walking the other direction, flicking her tail to taunt him further. Nobody was out at the moment, other than the two of them. Zane assumed Kawaii~Chan was taking advantage of that to drop her whole "Chan" and "Kun" act.

Zane ran towards her, pulling his arm back and aiming his snowball at her back. After a moment, he threw the snowball. Kawaii~Chan darted left, the snowball whizzing past her.

"Missed!" She called, throwing her own snowball and hitting Zane square on the chest.

Zane smirked a little. It was kind of fun to be in a snowball fight with Kawaii~Chan, nobody was out here to see him involved in it, so he might as well enjoy it. He gave chase after Kawaii~Chan. "Get over here Nana!" He yelled, running right for her.

Kawaii~Chan laughed and ran as well, dashing around some of the houses in the neighborhood. Zane was chasing after her, closing ground fast.

Soon enough they reached a little clearing full of trees, most likely there for the aesthetic appearance of the neighborhood. The tree branches hung low, heavy with snow that tempted to fall at any moment.

Zane came up behind Kawaii~Chan, wrapping his arms around her from behind. "Gotcha!" She said triumphantly, loosening his grip as they came to a stop.

Kawaii~Chan laughed, pulling away to look up at Zane. Her cheeks were pink from running, and she was breathing heavily. Zane was doing the same, they had run a long way.

Kawaii~Chan pointed to a little spot clear of snow that was underneath a large willow tree. "Why don't we catch our breath over there?" She asked, beginning to walk over before Zane had the chance to respond.

"Sounds good." Zane replied, following her. Together, they ducked under the leaves that draped down from the tree. It was a lovely little area, clear of snow and cut off from the rest of the little forest.

Kawaii~Chan grabbed Zane's hand, leading him over to the trunk of the tree. She let her eyes meet his, concern flickering in her gaze. "Why do we keep our relationship a secret from everyone? Don't you think the others would be thrilled to find out that we are together?" She asked.

Zane's gaze dropped, and he let his hands slip from her grip. "I don't want to rush things, I'm not ready for that." He didn't meet her eyes. "I've never been in a real relationship before, so I'm a little scared of making our relationship public. Aphmau would be all over us, so would Garroth. I kind of just want this to be us."

Kawaii~Chan lifted his chin, making his eyes meet hers. "Zane, what defines a real relationship to you? Is it how much you like your partner? How long you two have been together? What separates real from fake?"

Zane gently pushed her hand away, avoiding eye contact once again. "I don't know. I have never really been in a relationship before. Real or fake, Nana."

Kawaii~Chan grabbed his hands once again. "I have been in so many relationships, I don't know what real or fake is anymore." A light red found its way to her cheeks, her blushing making Zane blush as well. She looked down, but kept holding his hands. "I have been in so many bad relationships, I don't even know good from bad anymore."

Zane brushed his hand against her cheek. "I don't know how things are going to end up, but I do know that I.. uh." He paused. Love was a strong word, and frankly, he wasn't ready for that. "I really care about you, and like you... a lot." He fumbled with his words. Zane never was one for romantic gestures, always getting really nervous when he tried to act upon his feelings. "I know things will end up ok for us. I can feel it."

Kawaii~Chan chuckled, putting her arms around his neck and pulling him closer. "You awkward nugget." She purred. "I love you too."

With that, she stood on her tip toes and gave him a warm kiss. Zane was a little shocked at the mention of his old nickname, but embraced her back after a moment. Warmth sped through his body, and he completely forgot about the cold.

Snow began to fall around them, but under the willow tree, everything was warm and beautiful. Even in the middle of winter, a warm kiss still melts young couples hearts.

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