The Past Regrets, Future Forgives -Garmau-

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MCD AU, set after Alina's birth. Enjoy the story!


Aphmau was in the forest, the fallen leaves crinkling with her every step. She looked around, eyes narrowed and staring into the thick undergrowth.

A rustle came from behind her, and she spun around, swinging her sword in the process. She felt it slice through nothing but air, and let out a gasp as a blade gently poked her back.

She let out a sigh, letting her shoulders slump in defeat.

"We've been training forever, Aph... It's not a big deal. Your just out of practice." A soothing voice spoke. It was smooth and sweet like honey, and the British accent made it even more charming.

Aphmau sat down on the ground, not even turning to look at him. "I've been off for a long time, Garroth. You know that.." she rested her chin on her palm, looking out into the maze of trees that surrounded them.

Garroth sat down at her side, putting his arms out behind him for balance. "You had a child three months ago, you haven't gotten a full nights sleep in ages. Don't be so hard on yourself." Aphmau could tell he was looking at her, but she refused to meet his eyes.

"It's not her." Aphmau replied, tugging at some of the grass that surrounded her. "It hasn't been the same since Aaron died..." She muttered.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Garroth tense up. She knew that Garroth blamed himself for Aaron's death, which was completely irrational.

Garroth remained silent, looking out into the woods. Aphmau finally looked over at him, only to see his eyes seemingly glazed over, deep in thought. Perhaps Aaron's death wasn't the only reason he tensed up when he herd the name.

"It's not your fault-"

"Why did you love him?" Garroth interrupted, his face turning red with embarrassment after he spoke. "Sorry, that was completely out of line, My Lady."

Aphmau continued to look at him, his crystal blue eyes almost enchanting. She thought for a moment, why did she love him? She knew him for only a few months, while she had known Garroth and Laurence for a good few years. They had background, they were all so close. Why did Aaron separate them?

"I guess I saw myself in him." She said at last, her eyes returning to the lush forest. "Scared, but trying to stay strong to hide it. I carried guilt from every mistake I had ever made, and so did he. Maybe it's because Shad and Irene loved each other, I'm not sure. I just seemed, attached to him."

Garroth looked down, and was silent for a moment more. "I'm so selfish..." He muttered. "All I wanted was you. Then I was tricked by my own brother to feed my jealousy."

Aphmau shifted her position to face him. "Garroth, you are the most selfless person I know. You accepted my love for Aaron, you care for Lilith and Alina as if you were their own father. You put aside your own feelings for me. How could that be selfish?"

"You would be sitting here with him instead of me if I was selfless." Garroth replied coldly. Not towards Aphmau, but more towards himself.

Aphmau was silent. She knew it would round back to Aaron's death at some point. Garroth continued.

"As Laurence would say. A guard's duty is to put the one he is protecting's over his own emotions. I can't let my love for you get in the way of protecting you, but I did." He looked down, a blush building up on his cheeks. He tore apart some blades of grass, most likely to keep himself busy.

Aphmau had made up her mind. She took her hand and gently placed it on his cheek, turning his head to face her. "Listen to me Garroth. You are my guard, as well as my friend. You are not just any old guard here to protect me. You are Garroth, the man who puts others before himself, who holds in everything just to stay strong and keep others safe. You aren't Aaron. You care for more than just yourself and me. You care for all of us. Aaron lost himself a long time ago, and that's something I can't fix." She looked deeply into his sapphire eyes.

Tears were forming on the corner of Garroth's eyes, he wiped them away with his hand, but they kept coming back.

"I should have realized sooner that the man I should be loving, is closer than I realized." With that, she leaned in and gave him something he had been waiting for since the moment he came back from the Irene dimension.

A kiss.

It was warm and loving. Garroth closed his eyes and kissed her back. The tears that had been building up in his eyes finally began to trickle down his cheeks.

After a moment, Aphmau pulled away. Garroth looked as if he could go on like that forever. Holding her close, a tight embrace that Irene herself couldn't break.

"I love you, Garroth. I think a part of me always has, but I never knew how to show it." She gripped his hand and looked back out into the forest, the birds were tweeting a lovely song for the two of them.

"I've loved you since the moment you stumbled into Phoenix Drop." Garroth whispered, as if still feeling shy to say it out loud.

They sat there for hours. Sometimes talking, other times just sitting in silence and enjoying each other's company. Maybe things would turn out ok with the world around them, but if not, they had each other. A Lord and her Guard.

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