Section1: Strings Attached [Naruto]

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Chapter6: Strings Attached [Naruto]

The journey was unexpectedly long and awfully tiring; looks like I had to get used to this sort of trips having in mind I’m gradually becoming a ninja. ‘We’re here.’ I heard Orochimaru announce. That’s when he performed some hand signs causing a large amount of dirt to emerge from the ground revealing a secret passage…and as it seems I also had to get used to the gloomy bases we lived in.


Lanterns hang on the line crafted walls lighting the endless passage. It really was an ideal setting for a horror scene to be filmed. ‘Princess follow me; we have some training to finish.’ Orochimaru stated snapping me out of my thoughts and follow him I did. We separated from Kabuto and the rest ninja I have yet to know taking a turn to our left.


I swung my leg in an attempt to hit him even though I well knew that he would dodge every single one of my attacks. I’d say I was hopeless noticing that he began to chuckle at my pitiable punches and kicks. ‘Why. Can’t I. Hit you!’ I shouted in frustration between punches and I have to admit if this continued I sure as hell was certain that I would be an awful ninja. As soon as that thought crossed my mind he stopped dodging; instead he took a tight hold of my leg that was about to hit him…or at least try to and twisted it around causing me to fall hard on the ground. ‘At least there’s a small fraction of progress than yesterday noticing that your chakra lasted longer.’ Orochimaru said with that smirk of his. ‘I guess so.’ I replied picking myself off the ground. ‘Well then we shall continue tomorrow’ he said and as always, he paced away.


The base pretty much had the exact same structure as the previous one so finding my way around was particularly easy. As I ran through the long hallways, I crashed against a wall but as I began falling onto it I realised it was a mesh of flesh. ‘Hey, get off!’ he shouted trying to shove me off of his body. ‘Sorry…’ I began as I dusted myself off of him. ‘I wasn’t paying much attention where I was going. I was absorbed in my thoughts I guess.’ I finished embarrassment building up within me.

We both now stood opposing each other his stare becoming intensely annoying ‘Who are you? I’ve never seen you around the base before.’ He remarked suspension filling his voice as if I had broken into the base. ‘I’m Mika; I just got here earlier today with Orochimaru from Suna. Who are you?’ I answered my voice mimicking his tone. ‘Suigetsu…so you’re the Princess that Lord Orochimaru has been looking for all this time, huh. Can’t see what’s so special about you; just another girly little girl.’ ‘HEY! Who’re you calling little? You’re probably the same age as I am and…why are you acting like a know it; you know nothing about me.’ I spout back defending myself from Mr.IknowItAll. Who does he think he is judging me before even having the chance to get to know me? ‘Hn, see you around…Princess’ I was literally speechless tossing glares at his back as he walked off swaying what seemed like a large sword on his right shoulder. I’ll show him…criticising me just like that. He wanted war? Then I’ll give him one.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2012 ⏰

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