Who I imagine Melina as



Boom!! The loud noise from the gun rang in my ears as I slowly pulled of the headphones.

"You must admit that it was a great shot" I said to my coworker Conaway next to me while I smiled at the target, which was shaped as a human body. Right in the heart.

"That was the best one yet" he said laughing,

"Are we done for the day?"

I looked at the clock behind me at the shooting range.

"Yeah, it's getting pretty late. We'll get back tomorrow though?" I asked him.

"Sure" he said.

I walked out of the range and over to the elevator and pressing the button to the office floor. As soon as the doors opened on the right floor I walked out and into my bosses office.

"Hi", he said looking over his glasses. "Are you still here? I thought you left already".

"I was down at the shooting range with Conaway to practise for a while, I'm heading home now but I forgot my bag up here" I responded.

"Okay" he said.

"I need to talk to you about a job offer, can we do it now or are you in a rush?" he continued smiling up at me.

"I'm not in a rush" I answered sceptically.

"Good, sit down" he said nodding to the chair as I pulled it out from his office desk.

"As you know, we're planning a huge hit on the Rewé gang, but we have some problems. Their leak has been killed because they figured out that he was working with us and we no longer have a witness that can stand trial against them."

If I am thinking what he is, the answer is no. Too many thoughts quickly swirled around inside my head.

"Are you, ehm, saying that you want me to infiltrate the Rewé mob?" I asked nervously.

"Yes, Melina, that's what I'm asking you". He took a sip of water from the glass on his desk before looking at me.

"There's a huge risk with this job, but you're one of our best agents and I wouldn't ask you if I knew you weren't capable for this job." I took a deep breath before answering

"Let me think about it for a few days". He looked at me and stood up, as I followed him out of his office.

"Of course, but remember there's a huge amount of money involved. If your answer is yes, we'll have everything set up in a few days. But remember, you can't talk to anyone about this.

I quickly ran out out of the office building and down to the busy, late night New York City street. I almost felt dizzy after the talk I just had with my boss, should I take up on this job offer? I have nothing to lose, no family, no boyfriend and barely any friends since my work with the FBI is taking up all of my time. I quickly grabbed the box of cigarettes from my jacket pocket and lighting one up. The smoke filled my lungs as I walked the 10 minutes to my apartment. As soon as I came home, I hoped in the shower and thinking about my future career, before deciding on the offer.



"I'll do it"

"Okay, I understand I'll try to find someone else for - wait what?" my boss Andrew looked at me questionably.

"I'll do it, I will infiltrate the Rewé mob. But I have a few questions" I said sleeking out my ponytail.

"Oh wow okay great, carry on with your questions", Andrew replied almost in shock.

"When will it start and how long will it take?" I asked quickly.

"We'll get you started as soon as possible, you'll get a new identity and a new apartment in Chicago" He sighed "We don't know how long it will take, it might take a few weeks or months but it can take more than a year"

A year. That's a really long time to be away from your regular schedule.

"Are you sure you're okay with this?" My boss asked sounding slightly worried.

I took a deep breath "Yeah I am, let's start setting everything up."


After my short lunch break, I headed back into Andrews office to set up the practical things.

He said that if everything goes as planned I'll leave by Friday, and today is Tuesday.

"Here is everything you'll need for it" Andrew said giving me a whole lot of papers.

"There's information about your new identity and theoretical stuff in those papers. Your new name is Dahlia Scuro, you'll keep the Italian roots in your last name. You'll still have the same birthday and age so you won't say it wrong by accident." He said and continued on.

"You'll get a new driving licence but it's not done yet, it will arrive today or tomorrow. You will also have to make social media accounts for your new identity so it'll seem more believable."

"Okay, I'll read through everything and all the plans today, I'll come talk to you if I have more questions?" I stated, but it came out more like a question.

"You're always welcome for questions" he said smiling.

As soon as I walked into my office, I took off my shoes and went to sit down at my desk, crossing my legs on top of the table. I grabbed the bount off papers that I had placed on my desk. The first page was about my new identity and information about my apartment and that kind of stuff. Dahlia Scuro, born the 4th of November 1993, making me 24 years old. That was true, which Andrew already had told me. I'll be living in an apartment in downtown Chicago and I will get a job at the club Reign, also located in downtown Chicago. The club is owned by the gang and it's said to be the place where they recruit new gang members which should make it easier for me to join the mob in some way, which I haven't really figured out yet.

The rest of the papers contained police reports and criminal records of the leading gang members. There were pictures of them and some background information that could me useful for my mission. I quickly read through it until I came to the last piece of paper. It was the terms of this job and also the payment plan, 10 000 dollars every month leading up to when the mission is done. Ten thousand dollars a month is a lot of money, nothing in comparison to the monthly salary I have now. At the bottom of the paper was a row that I needed to sign. Grabbing a pen from the from the box on my desk, I took a deep breath before writing my full name, Melina Rose Traverso, on the line.

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