Chapter 1

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My parents don't know and my brothers haven't figured it out yet. God, my family might be the greatest superheroes, but they haven't noticed that the 16 year-old is sneaking out and committing felonies. I started doing this to spend more time with my brothers, but now it's just for fun. It's kinda a game for me now, see if they can figure It out. My therapist says keeping a diary will help with my issues, but I think I'm going to keep one so I can write down how the game plays out.

Just 30 minutes ago, I was causing problems for my three older brothers. They were out on dates, so I used my powers to rob a bank. At least make it look like I robbed a bank. I can teleport, which my family doesn't know I can do, so I teleported into the bank vault, and teleported the money out. Then after the police and my brothers were called I teleported it back into the vault. Then I went back home.

Dinner was great. The boys were angry about the robbery. Mom asked,"Did you guys solve anything today?"

"No, we got called to the bank about a robbery by someone with powers. Only thing is, no one saw this person enter or exit and all the cash was still in the vault," said Michel, my oldest brother. He is super fast, just like Mom, but not in realizing things.

"Yeah, so we got called away from our dates to help solve a bogus crime," complained Hunter, the middle of my brothers. He can freeze time, just like my dad.

"Maybe the bank just wanted the three of us there to sign autographs?" Suggested James, the youngest of the three. James got both the power to run fast and freeze time.

"Hey, Emma, you've been quite over there. What do you think?" Asked Dad. He was always trying to include me in the shop talk these days. The therapist says it will help with everything, but it hasn't helped at all.

"Nope. I have nothing to say and stop staring at me guys, ok. I don't want to talk about what you all do. You leave me alone all the time to save the city and then come home and talk all about how awesome it was. I don't get to go cause I'm the baby in the family and don't have powers. So no I have nothing to add to this thrilling conversation that doesn't involve anything in my life besides my family. Can I please be excused from dinner, Mom?" I say this in my usual way that makes them all realize that I don't care what they do anymore.

Defeated, Mom says," Yes, Emma you can be excused."

Just as I make it to the stairs and out of eyesight, I teleport up to my room. They still haven't figured out that the person can teleport. This is great, I can do what I need to get their attention and still go unnoticed. I just want one of them to ask if I got my powers yet. None of them care though, so why would they ask?

Theres a knock on my door. I say Come in and in walks Michel. He always lectures me about giving them all a hard time bout leaving me. Tonight he starts with,"Em, you can't be mad at us all forever. You need to get over it."

"Easy for you to say. Mom and Dad were at everything for you three, but 16 years after you they never went to anything of mine. You, Hunter, and James never came either. You would rather be saving the world then watch your sister win state champion in soccer. Or help her with her homework or anything that a normal family does. So yes I can be mad at all of you forever." There is posion dripping from my words, and I can see that they hurt his feelings. Good, now he knows how I felt for years.

"Emma, this isn't something that you should hold against us. We have a job to do and can't be there for every little thing, ok?" He said it like that would make everything ok. It didn't.

"Just get out of my room, Michel. I'm not explaining this to you again. Goodnight." I end with a yawn, just so he leaves. Once hes gone, I teleport outside to the backyard. There is a party tonight and my friend is picking me up down the block. I walk down the alley to his car.

"Hey, Emma! Do your parents know or did you sneak out again?" My friend Gavin asked.

"Why would they know? They hardly let me leave the house to hang out with you. They think a villain will try to kidnap me. All because of the five of them," Scarcasm thick on my voice. I really wish my family wasn't so over protective.

"Hey chill, I was just checking in case they decided to drop in to check on you. Not that they ever do," he replied coolly.

"They want me to do family things like dinner and games and stuff. They don't know me at all and my brothers are always talking about work. So of course they have no idea what I'm doing tonight, plus they think I'm asleep," I explain.

My parents are worried that I am in danger of being hurt, since I 'don't' have powers. I have like three friends, and I rarely see them. I sneak out about 4 times a week just to go watch cartoons and other stuff. Most nights I just say I don't feel well and they leave me alone, but tonight we are trying something new.

When we get to the party, I immediately regret coming. Standing there by the door are my brothers' girlfriends. I look away but its too late. They saw me and are coming over to the car.

"Hey, aren't you Hunter's baby sister? Does he know you're here?" Baylee asked. The other two looked at me quizzically.

"So what if he doesn't he isn't her parent." Gavin provided since I was mute.

"Well I don't think he won't tell her parents." Gracie replied snarkily.

"Gavin just take me back home, this party isn't worth me getting lectured. OH! Hey girls the boys aren't going to be here tonight, its family night. Sorry!" I say as Gavin drives back to my house.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2019 ⏰

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