The Fight The Fans Didn't Know About

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They weren't so much fighting but she was unintentionally moody and he was doing things just to spite her. It was as if Alex and Logan were both PMSing, but that wasn't possible. Neither of them aiming their harsh words at the other but neither of them making an effort.

Alex officially gave up on 'Valentine's Day.' It was Boxing Day for a start and the. minor was too complicated for her exhausted brain.

'Night Logan.' she exclaimed, brushing her lips against his. It was like he had a delayed reaction because only after she has removed her lips did he kiss back, slightly disappointed at the loss of contact (okay, extremely disappointed).

Logan watched as she half shut their bedroom door, he sighed, hating their lack of relationship at the moment. He knew it was his own fault but that didn't stop him for resenting her.

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