II. The Mystery Girl

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"Kai!" The familiar girly voice called as Jongin stood, listening to Wonho and Taemin's story, but then they stopped and looked towards where Jongin turned to look.

"Kai, you actually came." The girl teased as she wrapped her arm around Jongin's arm and pressed herself close. "Well I couldn't just leave my friends as well as my current favorite girl to be at this party all by themselves, now could I?" Jongin said with a smirk and she scoffed.

"We all know you don't mean me. I just came to say hello." She tells Jongin, then looked back for a split second then blew a kiss to someone. Jongin turned to look and saw a familiar face smiling and winking at her, then he looked at her, and she grinned at him.

"I found my mate." She said to Jongin and his eyes widened- but I sighed and nodded while giving her a smile. The girl he knew before,

never wanted a mate.

This guy must be her perfect match for her to give up her current life style. He thought to himself as he glanced back to the familiar face and looked back to the girl who was marked as his ex.

"I hope you f-" The girl started but he immediately cut her off. "Don't even finish that sentence. I had a mate, and she betrayed me. I don't want to find someone new to be mated to. End of story." Jongin hissed at her and snatched his arm away, then looked to Wonho and Taemin.

"I'm going out to get some air." Jongin teld them and they nodded in silence. Jongin knew they would inform Junmyeon or Kris, so he was in the clear of being scolded and he would also be left alone.

He knew the place like the back of his hand. After all- Jongin's pack had grown up and visited a lot when they were younger. So he knew the one place that would be the most quiet of all- would be the garden.

Jongin made his way to the back garden but paused when he spotted a girl with a long white lacy dress that flowed onto the ground. Her hair was as black with no hint of any other color.

She looked at peace just standing there with the wind blowing all around her. The moonlight was shining on her made her even more beautiful. After moments of staring at her, Jongin had this feeling of wanting to know her.

"Hadn't your parents taught you that staring is wrong?" The girl spoke in perfect Korean but when she turned to look at Jongin, she didn't look Korean.

"I'm not." She stated and he gave a confused look. "I'm not Korean." She stated. Jongin was a little shocked and wanted to ask how she knew what he was even thinking, but she continued.

"I can read your thoughts. It's a gift." She stated and he stared at her. He knew better than to believe that last sentence. There was no such thing as mind reading. He wasn't a complete idiot to believe that.

Who can even read minds! There's no such person! He thought to himself as he stared at her in silence and stuffed his hands into the pockets of his pants.

She started to giggle then shook her head. "I get that expression every time. Never gets old." She told him while she smiled. "I was joking. But I read it all from your expression." She told Jongin then looked behind him.

Being a little curious, Jongin turned to look whom she was looking at and spotted a girl waving towards them. "That would be my cousin." The girl stated then Jongin looked back to her.

"Well, not by blood. I'm a part of their pack." She explained and Jongin just nodded to show that he was listening. Jongin didn't have much to say but he did think that she was so pretty.

The girl was so pretty that it was starting to become a distraction. It distracted him even more as she made her way towards him and stood in front of him.

The next thing he knew...


"Kai! Get up!" Luhan's voice broke through the sleepy haze that Jongin was in. "Go away." Jongin grumbled as he swatted where Luhan's voice came from- hoping to chase him off but the older one didn't budge.

"Kim Jongin, get up and explain yourself!" Kris's thundering voice hissed from the same spot as Luhan. "He's busted now!" Tao's teasing voice snickered from a corner in the room.

A room that smelled like lavender, hazel nut, a scent that Jongin couldn't register and sense where it came from.

Wait a second.. Jongin thought for a second then shot up into a sitting position and looked around the room with wide eyes.

"You've done it now, kid.." Minseok said then looked around the room and Jongin did the same as he was trying to get his senses together.

The room didn't look too bad but a few picture frames on the walls were tilted or on the floor, and some books from the shelf in the corner was on the floor. Not to mention the bed but the headboard was the problem.

"You and whoever she was, really did a number on that poor headboard." Jongdae teased and Jongin turned to look where the older one nodded to and sure enough he was right.

Claw marks where very visible and parts of the headboard had been chipped off. "What happen, Jongin?" Junmyeon asked and Jongin looked at him as the older one stood beside a glaring Kris.

What happened last night? Jongin repeated in his head as he tried to remember, but all that he could remember was talking to a girl. After that it was all blank.

"I- I can't remember.." Jongin told them honestly as his attention went to anywhere but the two leaders stares. "We spoke to Wonho and Taemin. They told us that you went out for some fresh air but you never came back." Junmyeon tells him.

"They also said you weren't drinking even a sip, which makes us wonder.." Yixing trailed off and Jongin sighed. "I can't remember anything after talking to a girl.." Jongin said to them.

Junmyeon sighed as Jongin's gaze met with his and Kris's. "Your wolf probably took over. Maybe he blocked out the memory. You can try to remember it later." Junmyeon stated then looked at Kris.

"Let's get going, we've been here all night and I'm sure most of us are tired." Kris nodded and walked out of the room without another word. "Get dressed, we will be waiting at the cars." Junmyeon tells Jongin and he just nodded.

What the hell happened last night!? Jongin growled at his wolf when everyone exited the room. Nothing. His wolf muttered in response- but he could feel his wolf was smirking.

My wolf is hiding something from me that I should be knowing. Stupid wolf.. I will find out sooner or later. Jongin thought while getting himself dressed.

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