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"So are you going to tell us why you did it?"

I shot an annoyed look at the Pigs sitting in front of me.

Who the fuck were they and where the fuck was Gil?

He told me if he wasn't around to not say anything.

"How many times do I have to say, I'm not speaking unless a lawyer or Gil is present?" I asked with an attitude. "Do y'all not understand English?"

They glared at me and I arched my eyebrow, I was not phased by their looks. Tommy had given worse before.

"We could have you killed ya know?" The other pig told me.

The first police officer agreed with him. "Yeah I mean, it's nothing. Tommy was a very powerful artist."

I knew what they meant by powerful, and it was anything but about him being a great artist. I mean sure he could paint his ass off, but Tommy was money hungry.

He could never have enough money. There was always more to get and he was going to get it no matter how much he had to screw people over.

The doors to the room opened and a woman walked in with Gil right behind him. "No talking to my client without me present, and I need a moment with my client, so this is over."


She was feisty.

Great, this is exactly who I needed.

"Janet, let this go." One of the pigs told her.

The woman introduced as Janet sucked her teeth. "Christian, get the hell out of this room."

The pigs looked at Gil and he widened his eyes in irritation. "Did y'all not hear the woman? Get the hell out!"

They left as they mumbled things towards each other.

One looked back at me and spoke. "We will get you when your bodyguards aren't around."

"Hey! Get the hell out of here before I have y'all on trail next!" Janet yelled at them.

Gil uncuffed my hands as the woman sat down in front of me. "This is Attorney Janet Jackson, she's going to represent you Bethany."

"Represent? No I just need someone to write down what I say. I don't want a trail."

"And why not?" Janet asked me.

"Cause I'm going to be dead soon." I responded as Gil and Janet looked at me weirdly. "I mean come on! Let's be realistic here, I just killed the most notorious drug lord in LA. Do you honestly think I'm not going to get killed soon?"

"Drug Lord? I thought the man was a artist." Janet responded.

I chuckled lowly. "Some shit is low key for a reason."

"Okay, so we put you in witness protection. Simple." Gil pointed out.

I laughed. "That's cute. You think he didn't have people that were pigs? No offense, but look at the dudes that was just interviewing me! They are in Tommy's circle."

"So what do you want me to do?" Gil asked me as Janet sat and observed me.

"I don't know. Maybe let me die." I told him, for I knew exactly what I was doing when I killed Tommy.

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